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New Years *bleeping* Eve 2015 in Aspen.  

New Year's Eve.  New Year's bleeping Eve.

Aspen was in a frenzy.  The town is at full capacity.  100% of the rooms, 100% of the beds, 100% of the pull-out couches are occupied.  Aspen is SOLD OUT.   New Year's Eve is the culmination of the holiday season.  It's been a great one in Aspen.  Plenty of snow for one thing.  And plenty of business.  The retailers, service providers and restaurants and bars appear to be crushing it.  The merch. seems to be flying off the shelves.  it's as if the sh*t is free.

Click 4 pix:  New Year's *bleeping*Eve 2015

21,000 skiers and riders hit the slopes on Aspen/Snowmass's 4 mountains on Dec. 31.  An unofficial record for the most crowded ski day of all-time in Aspen.   Aspen swells from about 5000 residents to over 50,000 (my estimate) during the holidays.  The town is packed.  Too-packed if you ask me.  Still the powers that be want to expand the airport, expand the bed base, expand the highway.  More is more.

Aspen was buzzing.   Gallons and gallons of alcohol was consumed.  The whole town reeked of recreational and medicinal weed.  Plenty of other stimulants and depressants were pounded in the underground clubs of Fat City.  It was freezing, like zero degrees.  Tons of bimbos ( and I use that term affectionately) were cruising the streets in their little black dresses and extremely high heels, stabilized on the wrinkly elbows of their sugar grand daddies.  Packs of well-dressed revelers were trying to get into bars and clubs that were already at capacity.   It was a HUGE night in Aspen, but relatively uneventful.  No bomb scares, no celebrity crime, no power outage...like I said...uneventful.

Despite the amateur-night status of NYE, AspenSpin is hardly a party-pooper.  Our options were unlimited, but we chose two exclusive, kick-a$$, sick parties.  The local Aspen Boyz threw their traditional posh bash at The LimeLight.  Christian Messner, Peter Cohn and Ian McLendon packed the house with beautiful people.  It was an excellent party, as it is every year.  

The Detroit Ballers took their NYE game to the next level.  The historic Crystal Palace glowed again on New Year's.  The Michigan Crew flew in their own 9 piece super-funky dance band who proceeded to blow the roof off the sucka.  The Brian Alexander Experience played a continuous set of funk and soul dance favorites. You just had to shake your booty.   The Crystal Palace, the most under-utilized room in Aspen has not seen this much action since the Marley Safe House took over a couple X Games ago.  At midnight the champage flew like it does in a super bowl winning locker room. Three generations of Michigan partiers and their friends jammed late into the night.

We rung in 2015 with a bang.   We wish you a year full of health, happiness, success, love and of course plenty of POW POW.   Happy New Year to the entire AspenSpin universe.

Click 4 Pix:  NEW YEAR's *bleeping" EVE 2015


Ajax Cup 2014

The Ajax Cup, in it's 5th year is a perfect combination.  Part ski race, part fundraising event and a kick a$$ party all in support of the Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club (AVSC).  Founded in 1937, AVSC's mission is to make sure that all youth in the greater Roaring Fork Valley have a chance to develop as athletes and as people through winter sports.  Through the generosity of AVSC's sponsors and  it's membershipthe club makes sure that any child in the RFV who wants to participate in skiing and snowboarding...gets that opportunity.  Yes AVSC has turned out many Olympic and World Cup performers...but AVSC also makes it possible for EVERY kid to in the Valley participate in Winter Sports.

Click 4 Pix:  AJAX CUP 2014

Ajax Cup has become a place where all the ex-ski racers come to "rip it one more time".  Every year the racing at Ajax Cup gets faster and more competitive and in some cases...the speed suits get a little tighter.   Sure, it's all in good fun...but many of these folks want to win really, really badly.

This year's competition came down to the a dream finals pitting returning champions against each other. 2013 champs,  TEAM GORSUCH vs 2-Time champs TEAM GANZI.   The good natured trash talking at the starting hut was almost as fast and furious as the racing.  It all came down to the final paring...where Olympic and World Cup racer Alice McKennis nosed out former World Cupper and Olympian Jake Zamansky by fractions of a second.  Team Gorsuch prevailed again and retain bragging rights for another year.

It's estimated that Ajax Cup raised over $400,000 for AVSC.  Once again, race co-chairs and Aspen legends Chris Davenport and Casey Puckett designed a super-fast, challenging course on the Little Nell run at Aspen Mountain. Once the racing was completed...the party began.  Event Co-chairs Jackie and John Bucksbaum and Pam Alexander created a hall-of-fame social event.  AVSC President Marc Ganzi who is  perhaps the world's most competitive human ( and we say that with respect) led a paddle raise and live auction that helped take the fund-raising to the next level.  

Ajax Cup 2014 solidified it's position as one of the best and most fun events in Aspen.  Cheers to the racers and all the attendees and especially to all the kids of AVSC.

Click 4 pix:  AJAX CUP 2014 



Aspen: Behind the Golden Door.

Stairway to Heaven (downstairs)When the "private event" poster comes out at The Belly Up ...you know its going to be fun.  When one of Aspen's favorite families hosts their annual holiday party it's hard to know what to expect, but you can be sure its going to be an exceptionally good time.  

Click 4 pix:  PRIVATE PARTY

AspenSpin has attended thousands of BIG-TIME Aspen events, but last nights soiree at The Belly Up may have been the coolest.  The entire place was decked out in gold, roaring 20's style finery. Gold glitter was everywhere (in my hair, in my socks and even in my undies). Greeted at the door by flappers and speak-easy bar keeps, the list was tight.  Whoooosh...but thanks to the hospitality of  a certain and real estate executive Christian Messner, AspenSpin was indeed on the list.  No sneaking in the back door or fast talking past the clipboard holding list keepers necessary.  An amazing night awaited.

After skiing some of the best Holiday POW in recent memory...appetites (at least mine)  were extremely high.  Booyah... First stop... the sushi / stone crab food station. Oh yeah...it was the real deal.   Round two included sliders made from suckling pig, beef, duck and chicken with a vast array of exotic sauces.   While most of the party guests were most interested in the free-flowing Crystal Champagne and the bottomless bottles of Don Julio 1942 sipping tequila...AspenSpin was camping out at the desert table.   All I can say is WOW.  The hosts and Belly Up pulled out all the stops.  The roaring 20's speakeasy vision was executed to perfection, with fine style and beautiful taste.  The guest list, limited to about 300 was kept the crowd manageable.  Belly Up usually can hold about 450...so the place was buzzing but not uncomfortably packed.   The liberal staff to guest ratio kept the service at a level better than excellent.  No one was left wanting.

Eventually the food stations were cleared and without delay, Gary Clark Jr. took the stage with his blazing blues guitar licks.   Clark and his band put on a sizzling show.  Clark, a guitar prodigy who began gigging in his home town of Austin, Tx in his early teens brought his A-Game to Aspen.  The guests went wild. 

Looking around the room, jamming to the sounds...observing the dazzling audience filled with beautiful,  friendly and familiar faces, A. Party got all warm and fuzzy.  Suffice to say it was a BIG night in Aspen.  Then again...it's always a BIG night in Aspen...but thanks to the hospitality and the generosity of the hosts...we all partied like Rock Stars (again) in Aspen.

Click 4 pix:  PRIVATE PARTY

Another phenomenal night in Aspen.The Bineau Team and Christian Messner took time off from deal making to throw down.Gary Clark Jr. That kid can play.


Stars on Aspen Ice w/ Jeremy Abbott & friends

Jeremy Abbott back in Aspen, where it all started.It was a big warm WELCOME HOME to Aspen for skating star Jeremy Abbott.  

The 2nd Annual Stars on Aspen Ice skating show took place last night at Lewis Ice Arena in Aspen.  Presented by the Revolutions Skating Club of Aspen and featuring Olympic Medalist and home-grown Aspen Champion skater, Jeremy Abbott.  Abbott is the current and 4-time men's figure skating U.S. Champion.  Joining J.A. in the spot light were Gracie Gold, current U.S. National Champion and Olympic Bronze winner, Rosalynn Sumners 1984 Olympic Silver medalist and several other professional and amateur champions.   In addition to the pro's, Aspen's  Revlolutions Skating Club members played supporting roles at Sugar Plum Fairies, Reindeer, Pajama Kids and Mice.

Click 4 pix:   STARS on ASPEN ICE

The stands at the ARC were packed for two shows on Saturday.  AspenSpin got to experience the professional level skating extravaganza from the "on ice" VIP section.  The Stars on Aspen Ice is clearly a major highlight on the jam-packed holiday calendar in Aspen.  It's a fabulous family event.   A slew of sponsors, local to Aspen and from beyond stepped up to provide support for the show as well as fantastic items for the successful silent auction.   Stars on Aspen Ice under the direction of Peggy Behr has a huge following.  The Revolutions skaters and their friends and families seem like a close knit bunch and everybody turned out to see the show.   VIP's were feted to a fully catered and heated lounge and a private autograph session with the stars.  It was big-time fun for all who attended.

The Mice.Jeremy Abbott, who discovered his passion for figure skating as a 4 year old Aspenite brought his Olympic Bronze Medal from Sochi 2014 to share with his many friends and fans.   Greeted with a HUGE bear hug from his 3rd grade teacher, Abbott seemed genuinely touched by the out-pouring of admiration from the SRO crowd. There were plenty of hugs and kisses being passed out throughout the night. 

Stars on Aspen Ice was a magical show.  One that included a wonderful spectrum of cast-members from the World-Class stars to groms  who were cute as buttons. Many thanks to Jeremy Abbott's Mom, Allison for keeping AspenSpin in the loop and to Revolutions Skating Club for putting on such a spectacular show.

Click 4 pix:   STARS on ASPEN ICE

The Entire Cast of Stars on Aspen Ice 2014. The tradition continues.Jeremy Abbott and his Mom, Allison Scott along with his Olympic Bronze medal.Stars on Aspen Ice: Jeremy Abbott and Gracie Gold.



Colorado Christmas w/ Jimmy Ibbotson and Bobby Mason at Aspen Public Radio

Aspen Public Radio jammed with 2 Aspen musical legends on the Check 1,2 program hosted by Daniel Shaw. Both long-time Aspenites, Jimmy Ibbotson and Bobby Mason had a great time sharing stories and playing a few tunes. Jimmy, most famous for his turn in Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Bobby for Starwood played with many great bands in Aspen in the 70's such as The Eagles and John Denver. Later in the show, they were joined by a few friends to belt out a couple holiday favorites including COLORADO CHRISTMAS (see the vid below). You can listen to the entire show by clicking ASPEN PUBLIC RADIO.

Thanks for Rob St. Mary for keeping AspenSpin in the loop.