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Aspen T.R.E.E. Community Thanksgiving Dinner (& Warren Miller).

The Chefs were cooking at Aspen T.R.E.E.For the 7th year in a row, Aspen T.R.E.E. presented their FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner.  Once again it was a plentiful feast enjoyed by all.  About 700 diners rolled through the Aspen High School cafeteria to a enjoy a full-on farm-to-table  FREE Thanksgiving Dinner.

 Click Aspen T.R.E.E. to learn more about all their good work and their push for a sustainable future.

The cooking, the serving, the cleaning, it's all done by volunteers.  The free community dinner is one of my favorite events of the season.   It's a true cross-section of Aspen's populace. From the bro-brah ski bums to the senior citizen brigade to young families with tons of kids...everybody showed up for the tasty, locally produced chow.   Even a few billionaires couldn't resist a FREE Community Thanksgiving. As always, the spirit and camaraderie at Aspen T.R.E.E. was fun and exciting.

A. Party got right in there, serving meals, bussing tables and greeting guests.  We almost forgot to take some sick pix...but we didn't.  

Click: Aspen T.R.E.E. (& Warren Miller) to see the best ones.

Later that night...

Lane, Casey and Tats passing out swag at Warren Miller.For the 65th year in a row Warren Miller presented his annual ski flick at The Wheeler Opera House.  A packed house showed up on a cold & snowy night (thats how we love it) to revel in the ski porn of No Turning Back.   As always the footage, the scenery, the athletes and the shredding was phenomenal.  But the buzz in the crowd was even better.   Many of us here in Aspen have already been ripping on Ajax all week...so there were a lot of stiff legs climbing the stairs at The Wheeler.   Hosted by one of Aspen's favorite ski bums Lane Johnson along with his able assistants and fellow POW chasers Chris Tatsuno and Casey Vandenbroek, No Turning Back resulted in a near riot.  Well not really...but the crowd was pretty rowdy.  Spurred on by the 3 headed emcees...the Wheeler turned into a full on dance party.  One thing is certain...everybody was praying for POW.

Click for pix.  Aspen T.R.E.E. (& Warren Miller).

The hostesses at Aspen T.R.E.E.. Service with a smile for 700 people.It's always a blast at the Aspen T.R.E.E. free Thanksgiving Dinner.The Wheeler exploded in a full-on dance party at Warren Miller's ski film No Turning Back



Charge it; It's Aspen.

Breakfast with Jonny. First in line at 6.10 AM Opening weekend on Aspen Mountain has come and gone.   The skiing was pretty darn good...limited terrain was open.   Saturday's line at the Gondola started at a reputed 6.10 AM.   Veteran liftie Jonathon Ayalon claimed the first spot and cooked tasty breakfast sandos for anyone who wanted one.   A.Party was late to the party...by 8 AM there was at least 50 die-hards in line.  It was a beautiful bluebird Saturday and top to bottom laps were plentiful.  In fact...I personally did too many laps...because I was pretty tired and sore.

Good thing I went to bed early.

Like  ASPENSPIN for more pix. 

Mikey: He likes it!!! Opening Day 2014/15Sunday begat a whole new mindset.  It was a POW Day. Cold, windy, snowy and foggy conditions and 6" of freshies (generous measure)  made for an immediate scramble for first tracks.  There was also a line on Day #2...but it was much shorter and people were seriously ready to shred.  Day #1 was a warm up...today was the real thing. Visibility in some areas was almost zero...but the POW was cold, soft and light.  Flotation turns were there for the taking.  Many people were slashing, myself included. 

Now I'm laying on the couch, too tired to move, watching football and reading the Sunday NY Times (hard copy).  It's good to be back on the sticks...and the forecast is for more snow.

It'll be another early night for AspenSpin.

Welcome to ski season 2014/15.


BONUS!! Aspen Mountain to Open Early

As we predicted Aspen Skiing Company (ASC) has officially announced that Aspen Mountain will be open for skiing and riding 5 days early.  In the press release David Perry COO of ASC remarked "We are a ski town, we have the snow and we are pleased to start spinning the lifts."    The new opening day for Aspen Mountain is;


Photo: Courtesy of Aspen Skiing Company


Cannabis: It's not just for hippies anymore.

Cannabis Grand Cru: A Major Event in the Cannabis WorldAspen recently hosted the first Cannabis Grand Cru (CGC) promoted as a premier conference representing the cannabis culture, lifestyle, business and community. Cannabis has a long history in and around Aspen. So it's only natural that Aspen would participate in the "green rush" and be the site of the first Cannabis Grand Cru. Plus, Aspen is generally considered one of the most progressive towns in Colorado and Pitkin County is known as the most liberal County in the State.  

Cannabis Grand Cru ( click 4 schedule and speaker bios)  took over the entire Sky Hotel in Aspen and created an intimate and private environment for leaders in the cannabis world to convene, network and share ideas about the future of the cannabis universe.  The entire pool deck at Sky was converted into a two story cannabis village complete with sponsor booths, a dance floor and mood lighting.  I was told that some attendees even partook in a wide variety of cannabis products.


I learned that those in the industry consider monikers such as pot, weed, reefer, ganja, cheeba, chronic, herb, skunk and so on to be passe and almost derogatory.   Even Marijuana is considered to be a "racist" term by some cannabis aficionados, due to the theory that use of the Spanish name was picked up because Latin folks were prime customers early in the 20th century.   So Cannabis is the politically correct phraseology for those in the business.  

The Brand Building Panel. Lewis, Abernathy, Carr and ShahThe slate of meetings and speakers covered almost all aspects of the cannabis industry, both medical and recreational.   Dispensary owners, growers, lawyers, marketers, scientists, law enforcement professionals, edible purveyors, political activists and enthusiasts all had a chance to address the conference.   Aspen's own chef deluxe Chris Lanter from Cache Cache prepared a cannabis infused meal on the stage at Belly Up. Shhhhhh.  Due to local arrangements...the meal could not be prepared with real cannabis or shared with the audience.   Jordan Lewis founder and owner of Aspen's Silver Peak Apothecary and Morgan Carr of Wellspring Collective in Denver were on hand to provide insight into the day to day operations and the trials and tribulations of a thriving cannabis business.   Both men were quite professional and well spoken and seem to be successful business owners.   They each stressed the importance of working with State regulatory agencies and abiding by all the rules and regulations set forth by the Government.  Interesting thoughts were shared by Mason Tvert a well known political force who helped draft and push through Amendment 64 which made recreational cannabis possible in Colorado.    Pitkin County Sherrif Joe DiSalvo was on hand to share his methodology about law enforcement relating to marijuana.  DiSalvo is known to swing a "velvet sword" relating to pot.  He stressed that public safety was his "main concern".  DiSalvo made it clear that he was not promoting the use of cannabis, but if you do ...do so responsibly.  Former Sheriff Bob Braudis shared wild tales about the 70's the DEA, the FBI and the counter-culture movement in Aspen.

CGC was quite mellow. The crowd was a combination of visitors and locals.  Specific rooms at The Sky Hotel were set aside for guests who wanted to indulge.  An extremely wide variety of delivery methods were shared amongst festival guests.  Bowls were passed, edibles consumed, vapor cigs puffed and dabs were dabbed, and everyone seemed to be in good spirits throughout.   One incident put a small damper on the fun for a promotional group from L.A.  Y5RX an event sponsor and maker of upscale and disposable cannabis vapor e-cig. style dispensers misunderstood the local law enforsement's decision that sharing in public was not permisable    They allowed sampling of their product in a public area...and were warned by local police and a liquor board agent and then shut down by CGC officials.  It was really "no big deal, a slap on the wrist" said a Y5RX  staffer.  Sources tell us that Y5RX's transgression almost shut down the entire event.  Luckily that did not happen.

Ajax, DJ and BB enjoying the mellow at CGCAspenSpin has been known to blow a doobie on the ganj-dola once in a while but we are complete outsiders to the cannabis business.   Listed below are a few of our observations.

*The cannabis business is maturing quickly, but not as fast as the industry leaders want it to.   There is still a stigma associated with the marijuana business. In many circles its not yet considered a "legitimate" business. Traditional banking and financing operations have yet to embrace the cannabis operators.  

*Some of the counter-culture, life-style advocates still revert back to their black market roots.  They want to be taken seriously, but they make it difficult for that to occur .  Many early movers in the green rush claim to be interested in helping patients, providing compassionate care and embracing a natural solution for pain relief...yet they can't wait to get a lunch break so they can dab. (see dabbing).   I personally lost a little respect for a few of the speakers who felt the need to share their own consumption habits as an indicator of their passion. Bragging that you just ate a 250 mg edible prior to your speaking session is not something to be proud of...in my opinion.  Double digit dabs?  Good for you, mon.

*Edibles have created their own set of problems.  Marketing and packaging issues have arrisen because of the risk to children and unsuspecting adults.   Dosing is crucial.  It was made very clear that each person reacts differently to eidbles...and its best to start slow.

Donut Buffet; In case anyone had the munchies. *Education is perhaps the most important factor moving forward for the green biz.  All the most successful operators seem to be very strong on the education front.   Law enforcement echoed the thought that the more information on products the better.  Testing and labeling is crucial.

*When big money is involved...people get VERY, VERY serious.  As the industry attempts to mature, I think we will see more professional people, with real life credentials getting involved with medical and recreational MJ.  See Mr. Lewis and Mr. Carr for examples.   I dont think bankers and venture capitalists can relate to a poncho wearing , dred-lock sporting bro-brah pretending to be a CEO.   Financing and investment capital are vital for continued growth in the cannabis business.

*Cannabis, is a centuries old product, but its in its infancy as a legal, main stream business. It's exciting to witness the growth from the ground up here in Colorado.  I get the impression that some of the original pioneers of cannabis are in over their heads when it comes to real business issues...like accounting, human resources and financing.  Professionalism and outside experience will only help the industry to achieve smart growth. 

*The States love the tax revenues generated by MJ. States are taking the business very seriously.  Regulatory and compliance aspects of the biz and the taxation are being watched with eagle eyes. 

*Some of the speakers made continued references to the "life-style" and the "culture".   I agree it's important to embrace your core customers and those passionate about your products, but the true growth of the cannabis business will occur when it becomes a more mainstream product.   Coca Cola is not catering only to hard core soda drinkers or Hersheys is not looking to connect with just those living the chocolate lifestyle.   It was pointed out that there are over 700 dispensaries in Denver allegedly more than the number of McDonald's and Starbucks combined.   At some point in the near future only the strong will survive...and those that offer the best products at the best prices with the best service will succeed. 

Braudis and DiSalvo shared their views.In conclusion, Cannabis Grand Cru was informative, interesting, fun and entertaining. It was a well produced event.  Both the panel discussions and off-stage networking sessions seemed to produce a wealth of ideas and knowledge sharing. Relationships within the industry were created.   The growth of the cannabis business is inevitable as more and more States approve medical and recreational marijuana.  We, here in Colorado are at ground zero.  We have a chance to help establish the industry and prove that cannabis deserves to be taken seriously.  The people who came to Aspen for Cannabis Grand Cru are leaders in their field.  Cannabis is one of the world's oldest products, but the legalization of the business is just starting.  It should be an interesting trip.







Aspen POW Porn.

Everybody knows AspenSpin loves the POW POW.  Not only does it drive traffic to our sick website...but it acts like a booking engine for the entire town of Aspen.  Excuse me, to be politically correct the oligopoly that has become Aspen / Snowmass.

Lifts are scheduled to start spinning in Aspen on Thanksgiving ( Nov 27).  My educated guess is that we will get a few early bonus days again this year.  In my mind it's a done deal...and here's why;

*  It's dumping like a MO FO as I write this...and its supposed to continue through Sunday.  We're looking for 20+ inches.   A very nice kick-start to the season.

*  Aspen Skiing Company cannot resist the positive PR opportunity offered by an early opening.

*  I saw Mike Kaplan ( CEO of ASC) at lunch today.  He was gracious as always, and although no words were spoken between us about an early opening in Aspen, the non verbal cues were obvious (to me).  Kaplan's body language clearly indicated (to me) that the odds are good for an early opening. 

Below are a few photos of our early season storm.  If I were you...I'd book your moderate priced lodge rooms ASAP.   Or...perhaps you deserve to go HUGE and rent the biggest and best place possible.   The big daddy $40 million. (almost) ski in / ski out house with the super posh bowling alley is still available.  100% of the newly developed penthouses are available.   Maybe you're still young and adventurous...if so, crash on your Bro/Brah's couch.

Feast your eyes on the Aspen POW Porn. The first 3 photos are courtesy of Jeremy Swanson / Aspen Ski Co.  and the other ones including the lovely Carmelo (above) are from AspenSpin.