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AVSC's Ajax Cup 2012: Speed, Style & Philanthropy

The Aspen Valley Ski  & Snowboard Club (AVSC) hosted the 3rd annual Ajax Cup Ski Race and Apres' Ski Party yesterday in Aspen.   Ajax Cup has already become a signature event in Aspen and probably the best apres ski party of all time.   The Ajax Cup is the most important fund-raising event of the year for AVSC. It's a one-of-a-kind ski race down Aspen Mountain featuring  famous ski athletes, celebrities and some of the most competitive racing you'll find outside the FIS.  A record 14 teams were vying for the Ajax Cup this year which raised over $300,000 for AVSC.  AVSC reaches 2,200 kids throughout the Roaring Fork Valley.  99% of the participants in AVSC's programs pay a subsidized fee and many are on full scholarship.  The skills learned...and bonds formed by AVSC's programming last a life-time for the children. AVSC's core values of COMMITMENT, TEAMWORK and INTEGRITY are evident in everything AVSC does, including Ajax Cup.

Click 4 Pix:

AJAX CUP - On Mountain (part 1)

AJAX CUP - Speed & Style (part 2)

For the second year in a row, The Ajax Cup was hosted by Antonio Banderas.  Antonio has proven that he can ski and that he can party with the best of them.  At the top of the race course, prior to his first run, Antonio could be heard shouting..."Puss in Ski Boots" in homage to one of his popular movie roles.  Antonio along with event Co-Chairs Katy Frisch, Marc Ganzi and Jackie & John Bucksbaum pulled out all the stops for this year's Ajax Cup.

As well documented on the pages of AspenSpin...athletes in Aspen are extremely competitive.  There really is no "recreational" division in Aspen.  Everybody's a pro...and as Ajax Cup grows in popularity and status...the race for "bragging rights" is pretty intense.   With ski pros like Chris Davenport, Casey Puckett, Jake Zamansky, Wendy Fisher, Kristina Koznick, Kim Reichhelm and Wiley Maple leading the charge...the racing got very serious ...very quickly.  Good natured accusations of "sand bagging" during the time trials and team stacking were flying all over Aspen Mountain

Team Ganzi. Repeat Champs. Ajax Cup. click 4 pix.You might think that a celebrity ski race might be all fun and games...and it is...but it's became very clear that winning the ski race, taking home the Ajax Cup trophy and the status that goes with winning was very important to everyone involved. 

After a full day of racing it game down to a super-competitive final heat between returning champs, Team Ganzi led by pro Jake Zamansky...and Team Potamkin fronted by pro Kristina Koznick.   After 9 head-to-head races Team Ganzi was ahead by one point.  The Ganzi squad was stacked with big strong guys like Garrett Fisher, Grant Ganzi and Jeremy Oates while the Potamkin team was mostly teen-aged ladies.   It came down to Zamansky vs. Koznick for all the marbles.  In the final race...Koz nipped Jake by a 700th of a second to tie the  overall score. After a judges delay...which seemed like a life-time...Team Potamkin erupted in joy as they appeared to have won the competition based on a series of complex tie breakers.  Celebration ensued.  An "un-official" announcement was made crowning team Potamkin the 2012 Ajax Cup Champs.  But wait...upon closer inspection of the rules...and the application of the Pythagorean theory...it turned out that Team Ganzi had actually prevailed...by one 1000th of a second. 

The ladies of Team Potamkin were stunned.  Team Ganzi celebrated wildly..as the official word came down from the judges... TEAM GANZI...repeat champs.


Many thanks to AVSC and AJAX CUP event sponsors; GORSUCH, KJUS, St. REGIS, CARIBOU CLUB, ROWLAND + BROUGHTON and EKS Events. 

Click 4 Pix: 

AJAX CUP -  On Mountain (part 1)

AJAX CUP - Speed & Style (part 2)

Event host Antonio Banderas and Pro Skier Kim Reichhelm. click 4 pix.

Team Potamkin...for a minute they were champs..but hey had to settle for 2nd. click 4 pix.Jeff Gorsuch and Antonio Banderas were pumped to be stoked for Ajax Cup. Click for pix.

The BIG fun started early at the Apres Party. Click for more siiiiiiiick pix. Everybody was chillin' and thrillin' at the 3rd Anuual Ajax Cup. Click for pix.




Tales from the Gondola in Aspen.

The sh*t you hear riding the Silver Queen Gondola on Aspen Mountain during the holidays is unbelievable.  It's difficult to describe the details of conversations and interactions that focus on narcissism, conspicuous consumption, status seeking, social climbing, deal-making, love-making and more.  The 3,267 vertical foot, 18 minute top-to-bottom ride for 6 can be illuminating or it can seem like an eternity.

A few insights about Aspen Mountain.   Other than a few strategic "prime time" days  (ie: Christmas / New Years) ...there are no lift lines.  First tracks on a big POW day can create a traffic jam...but the Silver Queen's speed and uphill capacity dissipates the crowds pretty easily.   During the holidays things change.   First everybody's  a BIG shot.  Today, an unusual anomaly occurred; the private lesson line,  which receives preferential treatment was actually longer than the regular line.  Riding single usually eliminates the need to stand in any line at all...but then you've got to deal with the luck of the draw, and take it as it comes...for 18 seemingly never ending minutes.

The 1% Car:  It was a mixed bag. 2 from Miami, 2 from NYC, one social climbing realtor from Aspen and me, AspenSpin...a ski bum with a Kjus.  By the time we got to the top...my head was spinning.   $8 million lots in Mexico...private clubs, private golf courses, private planes, private schools, private chefs and other problematic domestic staffing issues. Well known names from the social register were being dropped without any consideration for diplomacy.  Do you know so & so...blah, blah blah.   For example, the secretly gay interior decorator with the gorgeous hair...who's married (to a lady) with children and having an affair with a guy.  The name dropping and social posturing was fast and furious.  I almost stuck my own ski pole in my eye to ease the pain.

THE AVALANCHE EXPERT:  This vignette took place on the F.I.S. Lift (lift 6) which is only a 4 minute ride.  I dropped into Bear Paw a short, steep, rocky, snow filled run in the famous Aspen ski area known as "The Dumps". The beauty of Bear Paw is that you can do quick laps and get back to the lift...without skiing all the way down to the Gondola. Ski and repeat   There was only one other skier on the run... but the guy was "pig farming" and skiing like a weenine ...which means he was monopolizing or "hogging" all the fresh snow and tracking up all the POW with no consideration for any one else.   I stayed away from him and went skiers left where the deeper...more beautiful snow was waiting for me.  The other guy was skiers right..and as I overtook him I noticed that he cut right, disobeyed the prominently displayed closed signs and skied the rock-filled line directly below the lift.   We happened to get on the lift together...and the conversation went something like this.

A.Party:  You're not from around here...are you?

Pig Farmer: Nope, how could you tell?

A.Party:  I noticed that you disobeyed the closed signs and skied in the area below the lift.  We try to respect the ski patrol's decisions.

Pig Farmer:  I was just following the locals

A.Party:  Really?  There's only one set of tracks through there.  You probably didn't realize it, but that area below the lift is prone to slide.    In fact...we had a small avalanche there last year...took a patroller down...luckily no one was hurt.

Pig Farmer:  How dare you.   Don't lecture me.  I've been skiing for 37 years...I know what I'm doing, I know all about avalanches, I lost my best friend in an avalanche.

Not another word was spoken.

THE BLOWHARD:  It was a full-on "Chinese Downhill" when the rope dropped for Walsh's and Kristi. Best runs of the year so far...if you ask me.   All the POW HOUNDS were there.  One local guy who's a pretty good skier was touring around with an older, less competent friend.   We all dropped into the thigh deep POW POW around the same time.   After a siiiiiiiiick run, a short hike and then the long catwalk out of Walsh's I strategically decided to jump on "the couch" or Lift 7 for the return trip to the top of the mountain. The Gent's Ridge lift is a long, old fashioned, slow 4 seater.   The guy and his friend were waiting for the chair when I nodded at him and said "wanna ride up?".  The guy said... "we're gonna be chatting business, you go ahead"   So I jumped on solo.   The 15 minute ride gave me a chance to collect my thoughts.  Chatting Biz??  Really?   I call bullsh*t...the guy has no job, he has no business...and when previously queried about his vocation ...he never has a straight answer.  I finally figured it out.  Self-aggrandizing is his game and he didn't want me blowing his cover.  I was happy to ride the chair myself.

Full on gaper Action.THE SELF-APPOINTED LOCAL:  I don't know everybody who's an Aspen local...but after 10 years of skiing every day and partying every night...I have a pretty good feel for who's who.   Four of us regulars were in the bucket...hoping the door would close before 2 more people could  load on.   Almost made it.  2 very well dressed, older women jumped into our car at the last minute.  A friendly conversation ensued.  " I like your outfit, where you from?" I asked the one lady who was wearing a deep purple, fur collared parka along with matching pants.  Her jacket was unzipped and her boots unbuckled despite the 7 degree temps.  "I'm from here" she responded.  "Wow"  I laughed..."I thought I knew all the locals"  She checked her phone, avoiding eye contact and offered  "Well we split out time between New York, Palm Beach and here".   "So you're a part-timer?"    "Well, we have a place here at the Hyatt" she admitted.   Ah ha..a fractional ...I thought to myself...she's here 2 weeks a year...maybe four...that's cool...but why say you're from here?  Everybody wants to be an Aspen local.   She proved she was oblivious to the local custom of picking up after herself.  She left her newspapers and hand warmer wrappers on the seat in the Gondola.  Luckily I was there to pick up after her.

THE SKIN CARE MAGNATE: The gondola car was filled. 2 high school Seniors, a married couple from Miami with very shiny outfits, a non-english speaker and me... A-Spin.   Let's Ride.  The lady made severeal quick calls demanding information and services and mentioned names, dates and locations. Her Husband sat silently.  When she finally clicked off and began texting...the girls mentioned they were from Miami too.  "What part?" asked the attractive 50ish Floridian.  The girls mentioned a private gated waterfront community..."do you know the yada, yada,yadas.  "My dad is yada yada yada"  "Oh I'd love to meet him.  I don't want to be pushy but my skin care line is in all the best stores"...and she rattled off a list that sounded like the tenant mix at The Mall at Short Hills.  Turns out the one girls dad is a huge international retailer and the Skin Care Magnate wants to go world-wide. She kept saying "I don't mean to be pushy"...but she was.  The husband remained silent.  The next 8 minutes was one of the most agressive sales pitches I have ever seen..including free samples. By the end,  the High School senior had no choice but to promise to set up the meeting with her Dad.  Intense.

THE DALLAS YOGA INSTRUCTOR:  I was riding with a whole group from Dallas.  One of the topics was the male yoga instructor who is so flexible..that he actually can do...what a dog does...lick his own balls.  Apparently he's very well known by the ladies from suburban Dallas. 

I'm not making this stuff up.

So you get the picture.  Our little town at the end of the road gets a little harry around the holidays.  Lots of "very important people" visit Aspen.  It gets crowded (96% of capacity according to the local paper).   While we all like to claim Aspen for ourselves...tourism makes the town go.  The guests make the economy in Aspen hum.    So for the 10 days surrounding Christmas and New Years...we share our little slice of heaven with everybody else.  But I must admit...at AspenSpin we are looking forward to New Year's and the mass exodus that follows...and as always...we're praying for POWPOW.



The TWEETS of Aspen.

Best POW Day of the year 12/19/12Now that the Mayan calender has expired we can finally enter the "golden age" of Social Media.  In Aspen, #SM as it's known on twitter has officially become "de riguer" (definition).

Click 4 pix.

Tweets of Aspen.

Grannies with i-phones, teens posing for instagram photos, Noo Yawkers checking in at Buckhorn Cabin (hope you're huffing a doob, bro.) and even lifties tweeting between chairs (not really).  It's all good and it's all here in Aspen. We have a little snow..and a lot of people right now.  Paris Hilton is here, Mariah Carey is here... and they brought their own paparazzi. The 1% is here.  Last week I saw the guy from Glee and Mr. Big...it's all in a days work.  There are a lot of international tourists in town...even more than last year.   Aussies, Brazillians, lots of Russians, a few Asians...and today I saw 2 rental cars filled with people of Indian decent (not American Indians) running stop signs in the core. 

Skiing every day and partying every night is not as easy as it looks.   Andy Party is getting tired. Getting paid in t-shirts and chapstick has proven to be frustrating.  But for the "hard-core" social media types it's not about getting paid...ask the FB shareholders...it's about keeping it real.  There is a lot of bullsh*t on the net.  The white noise is deafening.  Everybody is promoting something and almost everyone is a humble -bragger (i shouldn't talk).   It's a lot to keep up with.  

So we started looking for an intern.

The AspenSpin Interns at 11,200 ft and 12 degrees.AspenSpin was the first to tweet in #Aspen...so please follow @AspenSpin. I totally skipped Four Square,by design, because, really, I don't want my exact location to be broadcast publicly (call me crazy). Pinterest...not my thang.   A-Spin does Yelp once in a while & we love FoodSpotting. A-Spin's Klout score is pretty high for a ski bum.  But the app that was made for AspenSpin is Instagram.   Sharing photos is our core competency...and we missed it.  It was a strategic mistake, because  A-Spin has yet to drink the i-phone kool-aid.  I know, I know its super cool and super intuitive and its the greatest thing since internet porn...but I see all these people walking & driving & skiing without looking at anything but their tiny screen.    For some people, it's their first reflex to pull out their phones.  People staring at the little screen.... all the time.  So I hired a few interns to help me out. To get me going on Instagram.  To qualify..they had to agree to do what i say... work for free... and pose shirt less at the top of Aspen Mountain in 12 degree temps.  You're hired, GG, Coop, Nick & Dara.  One of my newly hired 15 year old interns kept repeating "Aspen/Snowmass has 23,000 instagram followers".  He's already on my nerves.

So now, I'm getting paid in "likes" and "shares" and "re-tweets".  I think you get the idea.  I even got re-tweeted by the Aspen Ski Co. ...thaz  the same as a major pay day for AspenSpin. 

This is our 10th Christmas in Aspen.  So we have created  10 Tips for survival during  the holidays in Aspen.  It's for locals and touristas alike.  You should listen to me...I was first to tweet in Aspen.

1)  Don't DRINK & DRIVE. If you do, you're and idiot & you will get caught.

2)  Don't TEXT & DRIVE  if you do, you're an idiot.

3)  Don't stand in the middle of a ski run...to text.  Especially Spar or Little Nell

4)  When skiing Ajax...don't carry your skis on your shoulder at the Gondola.

5)  Don't solicit drugs, grope people at the bar or impersonate an officer.

6)  Don't barf on the mall or Wagner Park, or on the Bus, or anywhere for that matter...it's super-gross for everyone. 

7)  Don't hit on other guys chicks...especially if it's their wife & be careful with the Cougs, they bite.

8)  If you're a BIG shot, (or think you are a big shot)...remember that 40% of the Forbes 400 is in town.

9)   Relax...this is Aspen.  Leave your stress and big city problems at home and respect our locale.

10)  Go HUGE...cause thaz how we roll.

CLICK 4 PIX:  The Tweets of Aspen.

Aspen High School sends a human heart to Newtown, Ct. Photo: Courtesy of AHS.

The Stoke is real. We had a POW Day. Click 4 more pix.The Reindeer of Aspen. They escaped and ran around town for 2 hours...niiiice.It's a tourist town.



Aspen: Friday Night Sights

Aspen Crossfit gets down.Wher'e the mirror? Click 4 pixIt was just another typical Friday night in Aspen. That day I ripped 18  top to bottoms ( not really)   Spar, Copper, Spar, Copper, Spar Copper, you get the picture. After a quick, rejuvinating trip to the Aspen Club for the 4 S's... Schvitz, shave, shower and (expletive deleted) Andy Party...was RTP...ready to party.





Only problem was... the town seemed dead.  I was cruising around the Aspen Core looking for action.  It was quiet.  That's the thing about Aspen you never know what's going on behind closed doors.  I was bummed, I wanted to get busy.  I zipped by the Bermuda Triangle (Jimmy's, Campo, Cache Cache)...just a bunch of old guys ( waaaaaaaay older than me) hitting on soft hookers, who were memorizing tail numbers.  I stopped into Justice Snow's ...but the bartender was so busy crafting cocktails...that he didn't have time to serve me.  Maybe a show at The Wheeler...a physics lecture perhaps?  Nothing doing tonight.  EscobarCaribou?  The Vampire places...they don't get going until like three or 4 in the morning...I mean after midnight. It was already 8 o'clock anyway, almost time for bed.  Ahhhh, f#ck it...maybe there was some good porn on spanktravision. 

I was heading for home when I heard a distinctive sound. What was it?  I could barely make it out,...could it be?   As I got closer, it sounded like the distinctive party stylings of Psy. Yes!!  It was Gangham Style.  But, where was it coming from?  I engaged my spin senses.  The Sky Hotel.   I jogged over.   Turns out, I had stumbled on to the fittest, stongest, 6 packiest party in Aspen.  ASPEN CROSSFIT was throwing their holiday party.  I paused and thought to myself, are fat people allowed?   Turns out the the more the merrier. Erik the owner welcomed me.  So I proceeded to get  my party on with some of the leanest, fittest, healthiest, most burpee competent people in Aspen.  It was an awesome gig and I raged.  But realistically, I wasn't going to get any of these super-ripped chicks, especially with all those Chippendale lookin' dudes hanging around. So I took off.

Aspen Weather. Plan your POW Day.Those that really know A. Party in real life realize that I don't drink much.  I'm not a puritan, or a recovering alcoholic or anything.  I just don't dig on booze.  One other thing...I really don't like to party in basements...so the club scene is not my favorite milieu. But rules are made to be broken.  I was walking past The REGAL and I noticed one of those uber-distinctive Aspen Peak cardboard signs.  Always a sure signal of a hosted bar party.  I asked Gerald the Doorman what was going on.  He replied "ASPEN WEATHER is throwing down".  What???   I've been spreading the message of Aspen Weather's prognosticating prowess... even before they had their own site.  Plan your POW Day..bro!!   Ryan and Corey are my boiiiiieees.   Before I even had a chance to toss out my over-used "do you know who I am?" rap....Gerald said...Andy Party...AspenSpin...you're on the list.    Yeeeeaaaaaaah Boiiie.    I was in!!!   Shots!!!

Drinks, Chicks, Music, Lights.... oh sh*t...here we go again.   I made it past midnight.


Erik Jon Larson of Aspen Crossfoot scaring his own children. Click 4 pix.Standard Deal... Rachel, Clay, Katie...if u guys get a reality show...Aspenspin gets 10%. click 4 pix.Snow Rippers planning their POW day at the Aspen Weather / Aspen Peak Party. Click 4 pix.

Aspen Weather and Aspen Peak joining forces. Pray 4 POW. Click for pix.        http://www.blogdash.com/full_profile/?claim_code=8a7d02106cd9a268937cb422a6dc0113  


Backstage @ AspenLive / O.G. in the ZG.

Aspen Live, an intimate music and entertainment conference went viral this past weekend in Aspen. #AspenLive in it's 17th year, attracted some fresh faces and some fresh ideas about "live entertainment" and the future of the music industry.  AspenSpin, an outsider to the biz, had a backstage pass to document the proceedings.  We witnessed the O.G. music industry guys perk up and listen when the new blood & social geeks spoke up. We observed the wired generation  of tweeters pause from texting and listen to the stories from their elders.  We watched the old school and the new school of music merging...right here in Aspen.

Click 4 Pix:  Backstage @ Aspen Live

Jim Lewi created Aspen Live in 1995 when record companies were flush with big budgets and it was good times for all.  In 1995 the music business a.k.a. " the boys club of cool" per Michael Rapino was still thriving.  The internet was in it's infancy...and many in the record biz did not recognize the changes looming on the horizon.  Many old school music execs probably never envisioned how Steve Jobs and a little company call Apple would revolutionize the method by which recorded music was consumed. The music business has changed drastically since 1995. Those that adapted are still in the game that they love. Those that didn't...??? they're thinking about logging on to My Space.

The AspenLive family is a tightly knit group (an understatement) of industry professionals, many with long standing relationships.  This years #aspenlive conf. included, agents, venue owners, promoters, marketers, ticketers, technologists and social media pros.  There were no major record labels in attendance, a glaring change from 1995.   The keynote was a chat with Michael Rapino, CEO of LiveNation (Ticker LVY), producer of over 30,000 concerts per year in 41 markets serving 100 million fans. Live Nation is parent company of Ticketmaster.   Bob Lefsetz, proprietor of the extremely influential music industry blog, The Lefsetz Letter prompted Rapino to summarize  his rise from a mullet headed & earing wearing teen in Thunder Bay, Ontario to the CEO post of the largest live entertainment company in the world.   Clearly Rapino's passion for music drove him.  He knew exactly what he wanted to be as a University student at age 20. He wanted to be the #1 concert promoter in the world, and he drew up a plan, on a napkin, which he has framed in his office.  The plan eventually took him around the world and now...he cribs in the corner office at LVY in Beverly Hills.

On the hot seat. Michael Rapino, CEO of Live Nation, During his Keynote at #aspenliveIf you google "Steve Martin"  you'll see a white haired guy in a white suit playing a banjo.  If you google Steve Martin, The Agency Group, you'll meet one of the greatest guys in music, a white haired guy who prefers not to wear a suit.  We understand why everyone in the biz loves Steve.  Steve Martin, the Agent started off booking bands in the 70's in The Hamptons (before they were the Hamptons) at Hot Dog Beach ...a shack on Dune Road.  He promoted on-campus shows for Springsteen, Jerry Garcia, Patti Smith before moving to NYC.  Fast forward to the present, Steve runs North America for The Agency Group, the largest independent talent booking agency in the world.   He was grilled by Dan Steinberg (@theJew) for an hour...and the stories started to flow. 

Martin was extremely tactful in his presentation, and he did seem mildly suspicious about all the big time media in the room (ie: AspenSpin).  He wound one yarn about his client, the late Fela Kuti.  Fela, a Nigerian artist and political activist  was a pioneer of "Afrobeat" music.  Fela's entourage included about 60 people...20 of whom were his wives.   Coming to the U.S. from Nigeria they had no coats, so Martin peeled off $1000 and sent an aide to buy outerwear in quantity.   Many will remember the iconic "snorkel jacket" from the early 80's... "it was like the Nigerian Army had invaded" laughed Martin. Steve Martin & Andy Somers of The Agency Group at Aspen Live . Click 4 pix. In a seperate vignette, that occurred way back when you could still smoke on airplanes.  Fela lit up a doobie on a plane headed to a show in Seattle.  When  the flight attendant..and eventually the pilot demanded that Fela distinguish his blunt...he replied (as imitated by Martin)..."I'm a Prince...and I will not".   Push came to shove and the plane was diverted to Denver.  Martin had to buy 60 one-way tickets from Denver to Seattle and promptly docked Fela's pay for the bill.  "That joint cost Fela $10,000" he recalled fondly. 

Hank Neuberger gave an enlightening presentation about live streaming.   Neuberger, CEO of Springboard Productions was billed as "The KING of LIVE STREAMING"  and it was clear after his talk...that he deserves the moniker.  Neuberger showed some sizzle reels from Coachella and Austin City Limits..which his crew streams Live/Live for millions of people all over the internet.  Technology has allowed for production quality to spike while keeping cost seemingly moderate.  Neuberger should be known as king of "engagement time" as his stats are off the charts in that category.  Live/Live is crucial to the viewer experience...as it has become clear that fans want to connect in real time.  Time shifting bands has proven to be a tricky proposition.  The "ah ha" moment occurred in 2010  when you tube got on board and announced a live stream of an Arcade Fire show ...2 hours before they hit the stage.  Unique visits for that show exceeded 1 million.  

John Boyle of Insomniac Click 4 pix.John Boyle, Chief Growth Officer for Insomniac spoke about Electronic Dance Music (EDM) and festivals.  WOW...EDM is the sh*t right now...it's white hot amd getting hotter.  EDM is a $4 billion business in 2012...expected to grow to $6 billion in 2013.  EDM O.G. Phil Blaine rattled off about 40 genres of EDM off the top of his head.   Insomniac's immersive 3-day festival of love, Electric Daisy Carnival attracts 110,000 people per day to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway in June.   100's of "world class artists" (ie: DJ's) spinning electronic music from dusk till dawn. The special effects are deluxe.  "The Fan is the Headliner" said Boyle.  That sentiment was shared by Neuberger who had previously mentioned that 50% of the content streamed at EDM fests focuses on the audience.  The music, the lights, the vibe, the community,  EDM is now the sound of Madison Avenue and Wall Street.  Robert FX Sillerman has announced plans for a " billion dollar roll up" in the EDM space.   Las Vegas has surpassed Ibiza as the Capital of EDM.  Celebrity DJ's are signing lucrative "residency deals" in Vegas for up to $20 million.  Have disc drive...will travel.   Boyle was a little sensitive when the topic of drugs at the EDM festivals came up.  He countered by saying " there are plenty of drugs in rock & roll".  He must not have noticed the large numbers of  sweaty, glow in the dark clad, hug happy dancers with huge pupils in the crowd at EDC.

Andrew Dreskin, the first guy to sell a ticket on-line. Click 4 more pix.Andrew Dreskin is the CEO of TicketFly and  "the father of on-line ticketing". He shared his insights in the world of internet ticket sales.  Dreskin founded Ticketweb, the very first seller of event tickets on-line and one of the  first e-commerce companies in any category.  Dreskin a long-time industry veteran stressed the importance of the data and how social media has a strong impact over-all ticket sales.  Social ticketing is one of the most  important factors in the future of performance ticket sales.   So remember, next time you are humbble-bragging about a siiiiiiiiick show at Belly Up, posting your vids and pix....the venue owners in Denver, Boulder, Salt Lake thank you.  And every time you buy a ticket on line...your data is being mined.

It was a HUGE weekend for Nic Adler and the entire crew at Adler Integrated (AI), a full service marketing agency in L.A.  First of all his dad, legendary record producer Lou Adler was named as an inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.  Adler and his team from AI were instumental in Aspen Live and the agency was one of the event sponsors.  Formed in the last year, Adler Integrated is on the cutting edge of social media marketing for live entertainment and events.  Adler Integrated  is an off-shoot of Nic's experience marketing his club... the legendary Roxy Theatre and his work revitalizing The Sunset Strip in L.A. by using social media.  Nic Adler was the catalyst in forming a highly engaged social community around the strip...working with former rivals for the greater good.  The whole AI team worked the internet, the conference floor and the late night party scene to help build the community of #aspenlive.  @NicAdler and the Aspen Integrated team at Aspen Live 2012. click 4 pix. AI's COO Nathan Levinson led a social media panel featuring Ian C. Rogers of Topspin and J. Sider of Bandpage.com.   A team from AI including Andy Sternberg, Alf Lamont, and Tonya Cooke along with P.R. pro Katie Fox from Blooming Footprint gave an interactive presentation focusing on how to manage a live event in real time.  AI strategist Kyra Reed and Nic Adler concluded the conference  with a quick re-cap of Aspen Live which stressed community building and everybody working together.   There was a lotta love in that room.

Aspen Live was a phenominal conference which included plenty of skiing during the day and partying at night. It was educational and informative, but "it;s all about the hang".   Aspen creates a very intimate experience and over the years helped to form a strong bond among the attendees.  The opening night cocktail party at Belly Up followed by the Elephant Revival show and the closing night bash at Limelight with DJ Carbo were highlights.  Some of the O.G. music biz guys learned a few new tricks and some of the young'uns gained the benefit of experience and the value of face-to-face interaction.

A few observations from AspenSpin:

* The Music Biz is mostly guys. "The boys club of cool". All the ladies must be chasing the talent.

* Music people like to swear (on mic.).   Almost every speaker included at least a few F-Bombs.

* Apparently skinny jeans are still cool in some parts of the country.

* Adapt or die...  this is not just true for the music biz.  But the music milieu is an obvious example. 

* The connection to music fans via social media is the most powerful sales tool known to man.   Way more powerful than a flyer.  It's like word of mouth on crack.   Converting "kinda fans" into "super fans" correlates to higher ticket sales.

* Technology is affecting everything.  From the music itself to the distribution to the sales and ticketing to the live streaming.  You have to be where the fans are...on-line.   Understanding the data is a powerful tool that leads directly to sales.

* Festivals are HUGE.   EDM is equivalent to festivals on steroids.   EDM festivals are a perfect storm in the concert promotion world.

* Artists have a lot more control over their message now.   Both for established acts and the zillions of hopefuls.  There are so many ways to get the content in the hands of fans today.   In order to succeed your content must be outstanding...so that it can be separated from the noise.

* Music is a global business.  Duh??  But new, untapped markets in Asia and South America are growing extremely quickly.

*PASSION...was the persuasive feeling throughout the weekend.  Each and every participant was clearly passionate about the music business.  It was very clear that these folks love what they do.  They love to discover acts, sign 'em, book 'em, promote 'em, sell tickets and present talent.  Just like music fans are passionate about the music...the people in the music biz are passionate about the biz.  They are finding new ways to succeed in a market place with no shortage of entertainment options.

Music brings people together...it always has.   This weekend in Aspen, #AspenLive proved it again...Rock and Roll will never die....and neither will EDM....yeahhhhhh Boiiiiiiieeeeee.   Thanks to Jim Lewi and Nic Adler for allowing AspenSpin to have a backstage pass to AspenLive.  It was a groove.

Click 4 Pix:  Backstage @ Aspen Live

Jim Lewi, Aspen Live Founder at the Swag Station with The Fromsons. Josh is Publisher of the Village Voice.

Elephant Revival from Nederland , Co. performed at Belly Up for Aspen Live. click 4 pix.It wasn't all meetings & biz..It was "all about the hang" Aspen Live 2012 Click 4 pix.: .J Sider and Dave Rubin took it into the night at Aspen Live 2011Helllz Yeeeah we partied. Eva & N8theSk8 at Aspen Live 2012. Click 4 pix.