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The Storm that saved Christmas in Aspen.

The Carmelo-meter has been measuring the POW POW in Aspen for 10 seasons. Today's rating...siiiiiiiiiiickIt's not over yet.  Ski season 2012/13 took a huge turn for the positive Saturday night.

15 inches of beautiful, high quality POW POW dropped itself on Aspen Mountain. It was sort of heavy and wet and wind-blown and kind of weird (see previous post), but it was fresh and natural and "not man-made".  This storm allowed the Silver Queen Gondola to open for top-to-bottom skiing for the first time this season.   All the usual suspects were near the front of the line around 8 a.m. and the pent up demand was apparent.  By 9 a.m. the lift line wound all the way down to Durant Street.

For the record, I'm still freaked out about the climate, but I was thrilled to see the ground on both sides of the Roaring Fork Valley covered with snow.  Because of my climate fears I have become more of a student  of snow quality. While this 15" is much appreciated it's really just a start, a good base if you will.  The ski patrol and mountain operations folks have a HUGE job ahead.   Most people riding the gondy were amazed by the huge cracks and fissures in the snow on the back side of Bell Mountain. "Extremely rare, I've never seen that before" declared one 40 year local on the Gondy.   Snow slides in bounds were visible on Keith's Glen and Dipsy Headwall...highly unusual.  Not much was open due to extreme avalanche issues and/or the big rocks and stumps laying in wait just below the newly fallen snow. It was sunny, cold and gorgeous and it was great to be on top again.

Luckily the entire staff at AspenSpin got our laps in early, as the crowd on the mountain built steadily.   The entire posse of hungry pow hounds was funneled into Copper Bowl where they came face-to-face with a large number of "skier visits" as well as powerful snow guns blasting gravel-like man made POW into their faces.   Visibility was "zero" in some spots.   But it was fun and Winter and hopefully no one got hurt.

Snow porn.While 15" does not a season make, this storm was crucial for Aspen.  The entire City of Aspen breathed a collective sigh of relief with the realization that last night's precipitation was for real.  The locals for the most part depend on tourism for their livelihood, and we realize that if conditions are not primo...the people with their own planes and 2nd  & 3rd homes, the 1%ers,  have a few other options.  They will cancel and spend Christmas elsewhere.  The beautiful people want to be where the action is...whether it's Jackson Hole, or St. Barts or Dubai or where ever.  This is the storm that saved Christmas in Aspen.

So fire up the G, brah.  Book your private lessons.  Alert your chef. Lock in your afternoon massages, but remember to pack your woolies...it's Winter.

Christmas isON in Aspen.

First Tracks on the Mall. Christmas is on. Photo: Jeremy Swanson /ASC

Attitude Adjustment at Altitude. Good to be on top. 15 inches of fresh on Aspen Mountain.The pent up demand was apparent as the Silver Queen Gondola opened for the first time all season.The Stoke Factor was high near the front of the line as evidenced by ski bum Brad Unglert.Is everybody happy??? Pat & Kathy were in the 6th gondola car.First Chair on the Ajax Express (lift 3). Before the crowds. The snow was beautiful.



The Weird December


A weird December, but there's still reason to believeOne more day up in the mountains. click 4 pix..

praying this year's Pow will be better than the last

I can't remember the last time that it truly stormed

the days move by so slow


And it's one more day up in the Mountains

And it's one more night in Aspen town.

If you think mother earth will be forgiving

I wish she would.


Click 2 see Counting Crow's version

or Click 4 Pix: The Weird December.


 The Weird December.   December in Aspen feels different this year.  I know, I know... it's only December 7th, it's still early and we've had slow starting Winter's in Aspen in the past.  But it feels weird, hoping this year will be better than the last.  We're all trying to stay positive, attempting not to freak out about the climate.  We're all praying that the snow will come.   Cold, deep, white, fluffy, powder snow.  With Aspen's viewpoint at 7,908 feet it's hard not to see the climate changing.  This time it feels different.   A major dump or two would be a short term fix, but what about the long term. 

The National Resources Defence Council (NRDC) and Protect Our Winters (POW) released a study yesterday that quantified a few things about the Winter sports world we love so much.  Click to see the actual report  PROTECT OUR WINTERs.   It's no surprise that the average Winter temperatures are rising.  2.2 degrees F per decade since 1970 in the U.S.   This affects the $12.2 billion Winter tourism business that encompasses 23 million participants annually and 211,900 jobs in 38 States.   Winter is BIG biz...and it might be going away.  Shorter seasons and smaller snowpack appears to be a foregone conclusion.

The study did not identify how many academics and politicians are Winter sports enthusiasts but it did create a little perspective. The purpose of the study was to put a price tag on why the support for low-emissions policies like the Clean Air Act are crucial.   "That's how things work in Washington" explained Chris Steinkamp, Executive Director of POW.

AspenSpin is not shy about throwing opinions around. Here's mine.   I'm F#*King scared.  I'm no scientist...i'm just a ski bum with a lap-top...but I'm fearful that the "rate of change" for our climate is much faster than anyone is predicting.  I'm worried that the unusual, less predictable weather patterns we've been experiencing the past few years is now the usual.  Maybe it's just a cycle...but it feels weird.  Sure my evidence is anecdotal, but is Colorado the new Arizona?   I hope not.   The thought of a bunch of middle-aged fat cats in suits debating climate change in Washington does not give a warm and fuzzy feeling either.  It makes me want to scream.  So I'm looking for ways to make a difference personally.  I used to think banning plastic bags, no bottled water, no idling, re-cycling, ride sharing, electric cars, biking to work...taking the bus...were all too small to make a difference.   Now, I recycle, I conserve, I preserve and I try to do everything with ecology in mind. Yup, I'm a little late to the game...but I'm playing by different rules now.  It's not for me...it's for the people who come after me.  So make it a point to conserve.   Do the little things.  Conserve when you can.  Don't waste water, power, gas or any other resources because this year may not be better than the last.

ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE.  AspenSpin went to 2 siiiiiiiiiiiick parties last night.   Aspen still knows how to have a good time.  See the pix from SKY HOTEL's season kick-off event to support KEEP-A-BREAST FOUNDATION and PARAGON TECHNOLOGY GROUP's... ugly sweater party.

Click for Pix:    THE WEIRD DECEMBER

Shredders and skiers co-mingling at Sky Hotel's season Kick off party 2 support Keep-A-Breast Foundation.Hot Pink. Corey Enloe Sky's GM and the guy from SPY welcomed a rowdy crowd.Paragon Technology Group's Ugly Sweater Party. Click 4 pix.


Aspen Live 2012; BRO's with the PRO's

Everyone knows that AspenSpin thrives on LIVE ENTERTAINMENT.  

This year we will be attending ASPEN LIVE 2012,  a conference dedicated to Live Entertainment.  Now in it's 17th year, Aspen Live is a think tank for the entertainment biz. Attendee's are a who's who of show business.   Aspen Live includes music, sports, family entertainment, TV/radio/film/ comedy, venue management, talent management, risk and insurance...the conference covers all aspects of the live entertainment business.   So block off you calendar, pack your ski gear.  DEC 13-16 in Aspen.   Click Aspen Live for all the details.

Sick Pic by AspenSpin.comThe brainchild of Jim Lewi, Aspen Live 2012 has grown into an extremely influential conference for entertainment professionals.  2012 will be the biggest, most professional line-up yet.  Entertainment pro's will be attending Aspen Live from all over the country to participate in a wide variety of activities.   The conference agenda includes plenty of informational panel discussions, but perhaps the most important attribute of Aspen Live is the hard-core networking.   Meet, greet and hang out with the agents, the bookers, the venue owners, the marketers....all in a very intimate setting.

AspenSpin is especially looking forward to hearing the keynote from Live Nation CEO, Michael Rapino, and the discussion led by Andrew Dreskin the "father of on-line ticketing" as well as a sick panel led by our social media bro Nic Adler, owner/operator of the world famous night club in L.A., The Roxy Theatre.  You will even get a chance to hob nob at a cocktail party hosted by Aspen's own Michael Goldberg, owner of The Belly Up. It's not too late to sign up.  You can review the entire agenda and register by clicking ASPEN LIVE.


Free Gear for EVERY KID in Aspen.

Jeff Gorsuch: Modern Day Santa> Click 4 pix.It was a chaotic scene in the Gorsuch ski shop in Aspen tonight for AVSC Scholarship Night.  100's of pairs of boots and skis were strewn across the store.  The line of happy kids wound out the door as they patiently waited to be fitted for their new gear.  Thanks to AVSC, Gorsuch and Ski Co. every kid in the Roaring Fork Valley that needs ski & snowboard equipment gets it.  Every year, Gorsuch &  D & E distribute about 400 gear set-ups to local kids.  "It's all about community" said Jeffrey Gorsuch.  "It's one of my favorite nights of the year" he added.  You could see the joy in Jeff's face as he greeted each and every little shaver with a huge smile and a hearty, larger-than-life welcome.

Click 4 pix  Free Gear for Every Kid.

AspenSpin knows how Jeff feels.  We've covered several AVSC Scholarship nights and the smiling, beaming faces of the groms never gets old.  Think about it.  You're a little kid...you get to visit one of the fanciest stores in Aspen and get fitted for "slightly used" gear....for free.  In addition to the ski equipment the children are treated to home-made baked goods, psychedelic colored beanies and first class service.  Now that's gnarly.   The parents, the kids, the staff at Gorsuch all throw off an electrifying buzz.   The store was overflowing with excitement, happiness and gratitude. 

AVSC, Gorsuch and Ski Co. have made the following  pledge;   That no child in the Roaring Fork Valley who wishes to participate in skiing or riding should be held back by finances.  The AVSC Scholarship program requires some paper-work...but no child will be turned away.  PRETTY COOL if you ask me.  In conjunction with AVSC Scholarship Night, the National Council of AVSC hosted a little cocktail soiree next door at the main Gorsuch Store in Gondola Plaza as a way  to kick off the season.  AVSC is prepping for a HUGE ski season with 16 members riding with the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Teams this Winter.  Also throw in the brand new super-tramp at the AVSC clubhouse and more than 2200 participants ready to ride...and you've got a nice little season planned.  The official AVSC family friendly kick-off event takes place this Saturday at the new Elk Camp Restaurant at Snowmass.   Don't forget AJAX CUP, December 30, 2012, it's always the party of the year.   Click AVSC for all the info.

This event is AspenSpin's favorite.  The exuberance, the exhilaration and the optimism abounds.  The happiness on the faces of the Children (and their parents) is something that you can't buy in a store.  It's real and it's authentic...and it's Aspen. 

Click 4 Pix.    FREE GEAR

Free Gear for EVERY KID. That's Aspen. Click 4 more pix.It's a free gear free-for-all 4 AVSC Scholarship Night in Aspen. Click 4 pix.Willy was working hard...but giving back feels good. Click 4 more pix.These guys make it happen for about 400 kids. Derek Johnson (D & E) Mark Cole (AVSC) and Jeff Gorsuch (Gorsuch). Click to see all the pix from AspenSpin.





Going HUGE: Aspen Style.

Selfie with Julia Mancuso. AspenSpin. Click 4 pix.It was a HUGE weekend in Aspen. The world's fastest ladies came to Aspen for World Cup Ski Racing. Giant Slalom and Slalom were on the docket for America's snow queens.  Lindsey Vonn, Julia Mancuso, Resi Steigler,  new U.S. star 17 year old Mikaela Shiffrin and their Europeon counterparts were ripping laps down Ruthies Run.  The coresponding action in town was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.  Our schedule was packed.  The ski races, the VIP tent, parties, sponsor events, the Squaw House, free concerts, fireworks and of course the #1 house party of all-time;

The 27th Annual Ski Tuners Ball.

Photos:  Going HUGE; Aspen Style   +   Ski Tunes & Tycoons

All that off-season training paid off for Aspen Spin as we managed to go hard all weekend.   Unfortunately the ski conditions are currently "less than great", so we excerted most of our energies towards the social scene.  We got  word from the top ( not from G-D, but the brass at Ski Co.)...please don't belittle the conditions...it's bad for bookings.   I guess I didn't realize that being honest was a problem. Sorry.

Mikaela Shiffrin and her Mom. 2 World Cup top 10's and a Barilla feast at Casa Tua. Not a bad weekend in Aspen. The capstone event of the weekend for Aspen Spin was a small private dinner hosted by Barilla at Casa Tua with Mikaela Shiffrin and her family and friends.  Mikaela, who lives near Vail, Colorado is a rising star on the U.S. Ski Team.  She finished 9th in the GS and 7th in slalom this weekend in Aspen.  2 top tens in one weekend is HUGE by any measure...but the fact that Mikaela is still a Senior at Burke Mountain Academy (High School) makes it that much more awesome.  She admitted that she's hoping to get her drivers license this week before jetting off to St. Moritz for the next World Cup stop.  

Mikaela Shiffrin is an incredibly poised young woman and she's ready to explode as the next BIG thing in U.S. ski racing. That's a lot of pressure, but she seems at ease with it.  Spending some time with her and her family revealed a highly motivated, super- focused, well adjusted, superbly trained athlete.  She is mature beyond her years and AspenSpin along with everyone else in the ski world can visualize podiums, gold medals and Wheaties boxes in her future. 

Any way... it was a great weekend.    Check the Pix.

GOING HUGE:  Aspen Style.    &   SKI TUNES and TYCOONS

The World's Fastest Women invaded Aspen for World Cup Ski Racing. Photo: Raifie Bass.Reverend Horton Heat brought his A game to Aspen for a free show.Fireworks over Ajax.The Ski Tuner's Ball in it's 27th year is the unofficial kick-off to ski season in Aspen. The G's always go HUGE.Lindsey Vonn took time to sign autographs for all the kids in Aspen.Appetitie for Destruction crushed it in Aspen.GS Podium in Aspen. 1) Maze / SLO, 2) Zettel / AUT 3) Rebensburg / AUT Photo: Aspen Ski Co. / Jeremy Swanson.