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X Games 2012 / Planet X.

A moving tribute to the late Sarah Burke. The Winter X Games 2012 was dedicated to her spirit. Photo: Christian Pondella / Espn Images ESPN's Winter X Games 2012 was the BIGGEST of All-Time.  If we can believe Sal Masekela, Ladies and Dudes, it was the BIGGEST X Games on the Planet.   Almost every event had some historic significance in X Games lore.  The tricks are BIGGER, the sponsors are BIGGER and the attendance is BIGGER. 

X Games is so BIG,  Disney and all their assets, ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN3, ESPN.Com and ABC will begin presenting Six X Games per year starting in 2013,  Two in the U.S. and four overseas.  16 hours of prime-time action was beamed into 232 Million Homes in 192 Countries.  That's pretty BIG.

Aspen has hosted the last 11 Winter X Games and AspenSpin has covered the last 6. It's been an unbridled thrill ride to watch the progression and growth of the X Games franchise and Disney's commitment to action sports.   It's unclear whether the mutually beneficial relationship between ESPN and Aspen/Snowmass will continue.  It's BIG business.  Putting it into perspective Walt Disney Company (Market Cap. $70 Bil) is #65 on the Foutune 500 list and General Dynamics (related to Ski Co. Market Cap. $25 bil)) is #86.  That's BIG.  AspenSpin and a lot of local bars, hotels and restaurants are hoping that the deal can be made to keep Winter X Games in Aspen.

Saturday a new record attendance of 45,600 people was established.  Over the course of 4 days  108,000 souls traveled through the round-a-bout via free buses on the two lane road that covers the 4 miles between Aspen and Buttermilk. In the history of Winter X Games over 1 million fans have attended the events.  After 11 years, Planet X is pretty dialed in here in Aspen.   It's hard to believe than another venue can compete with Aspen...but who knows?  It's all about the Benjamins.

A few words about the X Games Athletes.  They are younger and more professional than ever before.  These kids are highly trained, highly skilled, highly motivated SNOW WARRIORS. They send it, they go HUGE and they crash hard. The progression of action sports has created serious risks.  The recent death of skier Sarah Burke cast a giant shadow over the X Games. Everyone at X Games knew her and loved her. She was the best and the brightest, and Planet X lost a great big shining star.  ESPN dedicated the entire Winter X Games 2012 to her memory.  Going BIG is fun, being on TV is fun, getting sponsored is fun...but please STAY SAFE...ladies and dudes.

The 10 most important moments of Winter X Games 2012.

1) The Sarah Burke Tribute.  Honoring the best ever.

2) Shaun White's  5-peat and perfect score of 100 in Super Pipe.

3) Heath Frisby's front flip on a 450 lb Snowmobile in Best Trick.

4) Roz Groenewoud honoring her teammate Sarah Burke with the highest score ever in pipe

5) 18 year old, Mark McMorris Double Gold and Triple Cork in Snowboard BIG Air.

6) Tom Walisch  highest score ever in Skiing Slopestyle.

7) Bobby Brown making it look easy off the money booter in Skiing BIG Air.

8) Colton Moore crashed then earned Gold in Snowmobile Freestyle.

9) Kara Turski 3-peats Gold in Skiing Slopestyle

10) Kelly Clark dominates Super Pipe with 2nd straight Gold and 13th win in a row this season.

Whatever happens in the negotiations between X Games and Aspen/Snowmass...it's been a great run. A  Hopefully we'll all get to do it again next year.  If, not...we will be watching on TV.                  

Shaun White goes inverted in practice. He scored a perfect 100 in the finals. Photo: Tomas Zuccareno / ESPN Imagess

Bobby Brown's super-stylie launch earned hin GOLD in Skiing BIG Air. Photo: Christian Pondella / ESPN Images.

Roz Groenewoud soars to GOLD in Pipe to honor teammate Sarah Burke. Photo: Christian Pondella / ESPN ImagesColton Moore crashed and then layed it down to capture Gold in Freestyle. Photo : Matt Morning / ESPN Images


Winter X Games 2012 in Aspen (Yeah, it's Siiiick)

Winter X Games 2012 Aspen, Colorado.Winter X Games 16 in Aspen kicks off today.  We're not sure, but it's possibly the final X Games in Aspen.  The billion dollar contract between Aspen / Snowmass and ESPN will expire after this years games.  Negotiations are on-going, but it's unclear where Aspen stands on the hierchy of cities viying to host 100,000 + action sports fans and create the infrastructure to hold the events.  Not being privy to the negotiations, it's impossible to predict the outcome...but if they were sticking around...wouldn't they have announced something at the press conference (like they have in the past). 

Has X Games out grown Aspen? It's possible. So with that uncertainty and the pall left by the recent loss of skier and friend to all, Sarah Burke hanging in the air X Games 16 begins now. 

AspenSpin is clickng photos like a mo fo, trying to keep up.  Here's a few MONEY $HOTS  to keep u interested.   More SICK PIX coming soon.

ARMADA TEAM MEETING at Aspen Sports  (Click 4 pix)

ESPN Press Conference.

OAKLEY Event at Optical Shop of Aspen.

RED BULL House Party


REVENGE of the POW (late night).

Armada Team Meeting at Aspen Sports.A momment of Silence for Sarah Burke at the ESPN Press Conference.Kevin Pearce is back on snow...with Russ and Kristy at the Oakley event.Chillin' at the Red Bull House. Eating lasagna and playing video games.The POWDER VIDEO AWARDS 2012. A. Party with the award winners for BEST POWDER.Crushing it at PVA's The Oscars of Skiing.Late Night at the Marley Safe House (undisclosed location). Get there if you can.Even later night at the PVA after party. The entire freeskiing world was dancing for Sarah.




Pioneers of Shred.


 Pioneers of Shred. Aspen, Colorado. Click 4 pix. The Pioneers of Shred, a.k.a the members of the board assembled last night at The Wheeler Opera House in Aspen.  The Aspen Historical Society created a panel discussion with some of the most influential Snowboarders in history for AHS's first Time Travel Tuesday session of 2012.  The snowboard community in America (and especially Aspen) owes a debt of gratitude to the 8 shredders who gathered on the Wheeler stage to discuss the history of their sport.  One thing was clear about all the Pioneers of Shred...each one has a HUGE passion for snowboarding and mountain sports in general, and the stoke is alive and well and thriving in Aspen, Colorado.

Click 4 pix: PIONEERS of SHRED

The Members of the Board:

Kevin Delaney. World Champ and Colorado Ski and Snowboard Hall of Famer.

Jeff Grell.  Inventor of the High-Back binding and owned a Snurfer in 1968.

Chris Karol.  Pro rider and former program director for AVSC.

Chris Klug.  Aspen's own Olympic Medalist, an organ recipient. Colo Ski & SB Hall of Fame.

Larry Madden. Opened Aspen's first snowboard shop, alternative Edge in 1990.

Travis McClain.  X Games Gold Medal Winner and head SB Coach at AVSC.

Susan Saghatoleslami.   The first shred betty in a male dominated sport.

Chris Tribble.  Influential filmer, captured the birth of snowboarding on film.

The discussion was spirited and informative.  The audience was filled with friends and fans and mountain riders..snowboarders and skiers alike. Stories from the past flowed from the stage and the audience could feel the camaraderie amongst the Shredders.  It was evident that the snowboarding community remains very tight and that the members of the board were enjoying their reunion.

Apparently riding on one plank attracted plenty of attention from the ski patrol in the early 80's and getting kicked off the mountain was a common occurrence in Aspen back then.  Even without lift access these die hards were so determined to ride their shred sticks...that hiking up the mountain and inventing their own modified equipment was their only solution.  Aspen Highlands was a hotbed for snowboarding in the early 80's....that is once all the paper work and insurance forms were completed.

It's easy to forget that snowboarding is a relativly new sport.  Established in the late 60's and early 70's snowboarding didn't really take off until the early 80's and it became an Olympic sport in 1998.   It wasn't until 2001 that snowboarding was even allowed on Aspen Mountain.  The sport has evolved into the mainstream very quickly and according to local hero Travis McClain "the Olympics needed snowboarding more than snowboarding needed the Olympics".   Some industry insiders credit the growth of snowboarding with saving the entire ski industry.  From the first "snurfers" who rode their wooden boards with a rope and no bindings to today's shred masters ripping double blacks alongside the skiers..snowboarding is clearly a legitimate BIG TIME sport.  The friction that used to exist between skiers and riders no longer is part of the equation. In fact snowboarding has been very influential in the development of shaped skis and fat skis Chris Tribble admitted that in the early days snowboarders were "slow and kind of in the way" but now with better equipment and technique...they are leading the charge.  Former World champ Kevin Delaney laughed that he knew the sport had really made it when "skiers started wearing baggie pants".  All the pioneers agreed...it doesn't matter how you slide down the mountain, on 2 sticks or 1...its all about creating "smileage".

It was like a great big knuckle dragger family reunion at The Wheeler.  Kudos to Aspen Historical Society for assembling such a meaningful and enjoyable group to share the history of snowboarding.  If you enjoy history and you love Aspen...get into the mix with Time Travel Tuesday's (TTT).  The weekly programs are fun, interesting and informative...yeeeeah dude, you might learn something. 

Click for pix:  PIONEERS of SHRED

The Pioneers of shred. Time Travel Tuedays with the Aspen Historical Society

The Smiths and susan..the first shred betty. Click for more photos.Team photo; Aspen Historical Society at Pioneers of shred. click 4 more pix. 


Powder Jam in Aspen

Freshies all day on Ajax. click 4 pix.POWDER...that's what we love most about Aspen.  We've been starving for Powder most of the season.  We received about 12" of fresh snow on Saturday night.  Sunday was set up for a huge POW Day, only the third legit POW day of the season.  The line at the Gondy was off the charts...luckily AspenSpin was close to the front.  The line at 1a was record setting in the modern era (see photo below).  Avalanche danger was EXTREME... even in-bounds.  An announcement was made at the Gondola; STAY in BOUNDS.  The line grew as all lifts were on avalanche hold until 9.35am.  Avi bombs were blowing up continuously.  It was like a demo day at General Dynamics.    A.Party entered the line at about 8.15 a.m....several buckets behind The Dogs... and way behind Matt Ross who apparently was taking a "private lesson".   We were in pretty good position.

POWDER JAM in Aspen. (click 4 pix).

The snow was wet and heavy and wind slabbed.  It was "Adults Only" skiing and many gapers were exploding in the deep, wet POW on the formerly groomed runs near the top.  After 9 seasons in Aspen, and over 800 ski days, we have Ajax pretty well wired  It's a really intimate space when you get to know it.  Playing the wind and finding the deepest spots was of utmost importance.  Avoiding huge lines at the Gondola and 1a was also an important factor for maximizing fresh tracks.   The pent up demand for POW was evident.  It was every man (or woman) for themselves. A.Party did as he was trained by the Buckaroos...Face to 6...it was untracked.  Stashes were plentiful and freshies were everywhere for the taking.  It was a good day.

Then this morning our sh*t blew up early, like 9 a.m. EST.  5 texts. 4 e-mails and 2 Facebook messages.  Everybody was looking for "dish" on Heidi Klum and Seal's divorce announcement.  They were last seen as a couple in Aspen.  Apparently, the hunger for dirt on celebs is ravenous.   This is "bigger than Charlie Sheen" stressed one e-mail.  "Any detail would be helpful" expressed another message.  To whom it may concern;  AspenSpin does not know anything about Heidi Klum and Seal.  We did not even lay an eyeball on them this year.  We've interacted with them in the past...and they seem like a very nice couple.  We respect their privacy.....and we're more interested in the day old POW.

Click 4 Pix  POWDER JAM

This may be the longest line at 1a in the modern era. Lifts on avalanche hold until 9.35. 1.22.12 Click 4 pix.Face Shots ...yeeeeah. Skier G.R. Fielding Photo: Jeremy Swanson Aspen / SnowmassSeal and Heidi Klum. AspenSpin doesn't have any info on their divorce. Sorry National Enquirer.


Aspen: Boy Soup

Gay Ski Week 2012 in AspenGay Ski week in Aspen is really no big deal.  It's been going on for 35 years and Aspen prides itself on a "live and let live" culture and a very liberal and progressive vibe.  Gay Ski Week in Aspen is really just like any other week in January...except there are a lot more guys.   Well dressed, well groomed, and  usually well mannered guys.  But these guys come to party...and it's pretty much anything goes.  We're not carrying around a black light flashlight, but it's evident that a lot of love and a lot of DNA is being shared in Aspen.  The daily après ski jacuzzi party at The Limelight... Boy Soup is very well attended.  70 dudes in a jacuzzi that is designed for like 15 people...now that's a sight to see.

So really, Aspen's Gay Ski Week is no big deal.  The guys come, they party their a$$es off and then they go home. T.I.A. This is Aspen.

SICK PIX from GSW...Click:    BOY SOUP

On the music scene, we highly recommend you see The MARCHING FOURTH MARCHING BAND (M4).  The 17 member M4 has played 4 gigs in Aspen in the past 12 monthes.  M4 is the real deal, they combine drums, horns, strings and vocals in a circus-like ensemble that gets everyone fired up.  The stilted dancers and ornate vaudevillian-style costumes create a visual spectacle and a dance floor buzzzzzzzz.   This time the M4 show included a set from special guests DIEGO's UMBRELLA.  The San Francisco based gypsy-rock jam band got the crowd into a frenzy as the opening act.  Band members from both M4 and Diego's joined in with the audience to dance, jam and party.  My guess....they all got layed...it was another good night in Aspen.

See the sick pix, Click:   MARCH FOURTH in Aspen.

Boy Soup in Aspen for Gay Ski Week 2012. Click 4 sick pix.Madonna through the years at the Gay Ski Week parade in Aspen. Click 4 more pix.March Fourth Marching Band in AspenMarch Fourth brought the whole crew from Portland. Click 4 pix.When u are a BIG time blogger...u get to party with the band.