Scoopage on A-Spin.

We may live in a small mountain village--but we still get scoops. Here's 3 of 'em.
1) Bank of America (symbol BAC) is spending big bucks to try to export the culture of Aspen. Look for a new series of B of A commercials centered in Aspen for this winter. There are 100's of black t-shirt wearing, walkie talkie yakking , P.A. types in town. They all act like they are curing cancer until the catering truck shows up, and then it's a free for all.
2) LeBron James---the King ----is hosting the season premier of SNL this week. That's no scoop, but what is hot news is the skit they are prepping called "LeBrontourage". Let's hope A-Spin's pal Lorne Michaels gives that vinette the green light. The name alone cracks us up.
3) Big news for retired NHL players. Img_3064_4 There's work for them in Hollywood. A new hockey movie, working title, Love Guru is being shot with Justin Timberlake and Jessica Alba. Check the pic at left of former NHL all stars, brawler, Bob Probert and netminder, John Vanbiesbrouck (go Beezer!) flanking Mr. Sexy Back-- JT. Img_1077_4
On the right, Probie's gettin ready to punch the lights out of "mini me" Verne Troyer.
Thanks to assignment editors R. Rogow and D. Probert for the behind the scenes shots.
Start training!!! Lifts open 11/22.
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