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Entries in The red onion (3)


A Political Pub Crawl with Aspen Democracy Initiative

The Aspen Democracy Initiative (ADI) which was formed last year seeks to empower younger citizens to effect positive change in the community through engagement in civic issues and the political process.

Click 4 pix:  ADI PUB CRAWL

The first ever ADI Political Pub Crawl made four stops at local watering holes in Aspen to discuss 4 important topics. The ADI is attempting to give younger voters (age 20-40) a more meaningful powerful voice in the future of Aspen.  If you saw more than 50 people following Vanilla Ice in a business suit and carrying a portable amplifier, strolling the streets... don't worry, that was simply the ADI Political Pub Crawl.

The pub crawl provided a low key and social setting to discuss issues that effect Aspen's younger professionals.  First stop, The J-Bar where crawlers drank the famous Aspen Crud and heard about "Water in our Future" in a discussion led by Christopher Treese of the Colorado River District.  Justice Snow's hosted stop 2 where the discussion was about "Sustainable & Responsible Development" led by Aspen Ski Co's VP of Marketing , Christian Knapp.   At The Red Onion, Knapp moderated an open forum about "Economic Vitality in Aspen".   By the fourth stop at The Sky Hotel many were actually crawling (just kidding) to hear Tom McCabe discuss Aspen's Affordable Housing Program.

Jill Teehan, Riley Tippet and Skippy Mesirow of the Aspen Democracy Initiative deserve kudos for creating a fun and relevant way to instigate an open discussion.  Almost all the candidates for Aspen's May 7th election for Mayor and City Council were in attendance and listened to the concerns of the younger voters.  ADI will provide an additional venue for the candidates during the ADI Election Forum on April 9 at 7.30 PM at the St. Regis. 

ADI Pub Crawl at The Red Onion.Aspen is a funny place.  Not ha ha funny...but unusual funny.  There are layers upon subtle layers within the social, professional and political hierarchy here in Aspen. It takes considerable time to understand how things work around here.  A person's length of time in town can often over shadow his or her actual credibility.  Many residents want things to go back to the 70's, others want zero change no matter what the issue and some want to see progress...they just can't seem to agree how to get it done.  There is a huge transitory population in Aspen and there is a natural clash between the full-time locals and the tourists (and 2nd homeowners).  It's a funny place, and it's a resort town...first and foremost.

Aspen has about 6000 residents, only about 50% whom vote, but we do get to hear 100,000 opinions.  Last night's ADI pub crawl was a great first step in giving a voice to the younger generation. All kinds of stuff got thrown out on the table...in front of the politicians to hear.  It was great to listen to some of the fresh voices in town speaking up.   I'm not sure who I'm voting for yet...but I think we are at an inflection point in Aspen politics.  People in Aspen seem tired and frustrated by the same old political scene.  It's time for some new voices...and ADI is doing their part to engage the community.  It was a fun and meaningful night

Please don't forget to vote early and often on May 7.

Click 4 pix:  ADI PUB CRAWL

The ADI Brain Trust. Riley Tippet, Jill Teehan and Skippy Mesirow.A Police Line-Up? No just a few of the candidates in the upcoming Aspen election.



The Party Wars / New Year's Eve 2013 in Aspen.

The Sky Hotel: A raging NYE Party in Aspen.It was a typical sh*t show for New Year's Eve 2013 in Aspen. The town was at 110% occupancy.  Every NYE event was sold out. There were 2 sets of fireworks, tons of extra security and more sparkly dresses and fur coats than anyone could count.

Click 4 pix:  THE PARTY WARS

As you know...everybody in Aspen goes huge...all the time...especially for New Year's Eve.  This year NYE seemed relatively uneventful; No bomb threat, no blizzard, no lingerie party...it was all pretty status quo.  Good clean fun.

This year, for safety reasons, we limited ourselves to the TBR...3 block radius.  We managed to squeeze in 4 events.  A private dinner (off the record), The Limelight Party, The Sky Hotel Party and last call at The Red Onion...our neighborhood favorite.

The Boyz pulled a rabbit out of their hat at The Limelight:  Christian Messner, Ian Mclendon and Peter Cohn threw their traditional NYE bash with a new and improved business model.   Lots of "fly-in" talent from L.A. and "drive-in" talent from Denver, and everyone left their inhibitions at the door. The potent mix included lots of international tourists, a few ski instructors, some ski bums and other locals.  The micro-est of mini-skirts and extended lines of credit described the scene.   Things went a little haywire after Midnight. 

Click the Pix:  THE PARTY WARS

THE SKY HOTEL took it to the next level with their annual New Year's Eve soiree.  This bash had more of an East Coast vibe with lots of friendly visitors from New York and Miami.  Beautiful people were everywhere.  "Open Bar ALL NIGHT" attracts a certain type of partier...those that like to pound cocktails. So things got crazy.  As midnight approached...anticipation ran high...the party was peaking.   Click: THE PARTY WARS

Security was tight.. Staying safe on NYE in Aspen.Our disciplined approach to NYE also had a "street" factor.  The Sky and The Limelight are only 3 blocks apart...so legally within our self-imposed TBR.  A little local birdy told us that the competing party promoters had some minor social skirmishes in the days leading up to NYE.  I'm happy to announce that both events were SOLD OUT.

Walking the streets after 1:30 on NYE provided some ripe photo-ops for Aspen Spin. The streets were filled with stumbling drunk revelers.  One last stop; our favorite, THE RED ONION.  Just to see what was what.  It was late...people had been partying hard.  The Onion had it going on.   The Best Bar Crew in town. Click: THE PARTY WARS.

It was a long night.  Happy New Year to everyone.  Happy and Healthy in 2013 from AspenSpin.


Guess who won the Party? These guys had it going on at The Limelight. Click for more pix.The Usual Suspects at The Sky Hotel. ALL NIGHT LONG for NYE. Click 4 pix.California Girls going BIG in Aspen for NYE. Click for pix.This guy won a spontaneous "Dance Off" on NYE 2013 in Aspen. Click 4 pix. Last Call at The Red Onion. Click 4 pix.The BEST bar crew in Aspen. NYE 2013 at The Red Onion. Click for more sick pix.


Halloween Eye Candy

Halloween in Aspen.Halloween is one of the biggest nights of the year in Aspen.  It's like New Year's Eve for the Locals.  One thing is for certain, people in Aspen Go BIG for Halloween.


(u can tag if u want to)

Aspen Spin made the rounds and snapped the pix.  We only hit 7 parties this year...but we captured the best of the best on Aspen's BIGGEST NIGHT.


Aspen Parks and Recreation's Skating Party at the Arc. --  Icy fun for the Kids

Private Event in a HUGE mansion. --    Posh partying in North Star

The Red Onion -- Aspen's favorite Saloon since 1892                   

The Aspen Square -- A traditional Favorite

The Aspen Elks Club -- The Elks know how to Party

The Spazmatics Show -- 80's Rock and $500 for best costume

The Caribou Club -- What goes at the Bou..stays at the Bou.