KICK ASPEN / Spring Loded
18" of Fresh POW sent the Aspen Fashion Week crowd off with a bang. Spring has officially sprung in Aspen. It wasn't the super- light blower we luv so much, but a foot and a half of POWDER SNOW dropped in Aspen on Friday followed by the bluest bluebirds on Sat. & Sun. It was easily one of the siiiiickest weekends of the season. AspenSpin has been employing the 3" rule all seaz, so based on the Partyian Theorem, the entire staff at A-Spin gets the next 6 days off. 3" x 6 dayz = 18". Our whole company needs a vay-cay because it was a HUGE weekend of POW-POW, parties & music to celebrate the vernal equinox.
See pix from KICK ASPEN (a ginormous BIG Air event on AJAX). FALLEN FRIENDS Memorial *and KSPN's BLITZENBANGER BASH at Aspen Highlands--capped off by the VAMPIRE WEEKEND show in downtown Aspen. Everyone in Aspen went BIG this weekend, CLICK any link or photo to see our photo albums on FaceBook.