Walk this Way.

Are you getting tired of the conventional skiing and riding available on Aspen's "power of four". Are those lift lines tweaking you out? Aspen Spin invites you to try something more extreme!!. HIKE the BOWL, yeah, that big one atop Aspen Highlands. Everybody's doing it. It's the real deal and it's all about the walk.
We've discovered a way to make the hike easier for everyone, skiers and boarders alike. Try using a Fast Strap from www.Faststrap.com . The patented Fast Strap makes toting your gear up the hill a cake walk. No knots to tie, no tangles ---and the revolutionary elastic fabric gives you a little play when you're rocking it---- uphill.
Photos: Courtesy www.EatAspen.com Top:Cake Walk Bottom:A. Party On Top
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