Bro w/ Metal Mulisha

Click for pix.The Metal Mulisha is the self proclaimed "best and most bad-a$$ Freestyle Motocross team in the world". Wut up, Bro? The Mulisha has taken AspenSpin under its wing and invited us to be a "hangaround" for the summer. Founded by riders Brian Deegan and Larrylinkogle in the late 90's. Metal Mulisha has become one of the most recognized brands in motocross. They have the ink and the trophy's to prove it.
Scummy form Metal MulishaAspenSpin stayed off the bikes, but we brought our lens and memory stick out to the Pala Indian Reservation in North San Diego County for a Metal Mulisha rally. We got VIP 'd at the grand openning of the American Freestyle Motocross Association (AFMXA) training center at Pala Raceway. AFMXA is an industry association representing the interests and voice of all FMX riders --professional and recreational. The Pala Indian tribe elders obviously have some entreprenuers in their circle of trust-- because they built a sick , hugely popular Motocross dirt track (open to the public). Alongside it, the first AFMXA academy. It's in the middle of nowhere (about 60 miles NE of San Diego) sitting hard against the Vallecito mountains. The track is a stones throw from Pala's huge Hotel/ Casino which has 507 guest rooms and a 10,000 sq ft award winning spa.. 100's of riders rip laps on the Pala Raceway every day and the AFMXA facility has it all-- foam pit, progressive gap jumps, fun boxes and an unlimited supply of dirt.
In conjunction with AFMXA openning, we got to "hangaround" the set of the feature film BRO. BRO's protagonist is Johnny and we see his introduction into the world of freestyle motocross and the "party lifestyle". BRO is directed and produced by Nick Parada and stars Metal Mulisha riders Beau Manley and Colin "Scummy" Morrison. It should hit the multi-plex in 2011.
Click 4 BRO PIX Feel the energy and get dirty.
Metal Mulisha and Bro at Pala. Click 4 Pix.
Metal Mulisha Rider and BRO star Beau Manley at Pala. Click 4 pix.

Reader Comments (1)
Wow, what a cool movie. Can't wait to see it.