Switchfoot Bro-Am

Click for more photos from Bro Am 2010. Encinitas, Ca.Switchfoot is the hardest surfing rock band in the world, or maybe they're the hardest rocking surfers. It's hard to tell because they shred on stage, in the studio and in the surf line-up. AspenSpin attended Switchfoot's 6th annual Bro-Am at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas this weekend. Nearly 10,000 "friends of the foot" packed the beach to benefit STAND UP for KIDS. Over $130,000 was raised for this extremely worthy cause.
Switchfoot Concert Click 4 pix.Switchfoot is a super-popular San Diego grown, multi-million album selling alternative rock band. Switchfoot is also a surfing term--it's when you change the direction of your surfing stance., or go "goofy". Jon Foreman (lead vocals, guitar) and his real-life bro Tim Foreman (bass, vocals) formed Switchfoot in 1996 with Chad Butler (drums, vocals), Jerome Fontamillas (guitar, keyboard,vocals) and Drew Shirley (guitar, vocals). Switchfoot has roots in the Christian Rock scene, as their first record label chose to market them exclusively as Christian rockers. The Switchfoot boys are very strong in their faith, but they have successfully crossed over and are now considered mainstream. They have the gold records to prove it.
Stand Up 4 Kids at Bro Am. Click 4 pixBRO-AM is a celebration of music, surf, community and giving back. Presented by Switchfoot, Hurley, Teva and others Bro Am raises money and awareness for STAND UP for KIDS. Bro -Am is a full scale, yet super friendly surf contest where teams of musicians and pro surfers go head to head--slash and burn style. Each rider is judged on their best two waves, one wave must be ridden regular stance and one Switchfoot. In addition to the surf comp. Bro-Am included a series of rock performances, a vendor's village and a legit late-night rock show at Belly Up in Solana Beach. Performers included Timmy Curran (pro surfer), OK Go (treadmill band with 50 million you tube hits) and of course Switchfoot.
AspenSpin hung backstage and had a chance to engage the rockers and the BIG TIME pro surfers like Tom Curren and Rob Machado. We also got to meet some of the kids from the local program of STAND UP for KIDS These kids are homeless and/or at risk --and they were the true stars of BRO-AM. Surf Legends Tom Curren and Rob Machado at Bro Am. Switchfoot's Jon Foreman kept repeating "this is my favorite day of the whole year". For the street kids from STAND UP for KIDS in San Diego---it was more than just a great day at the beach. According to one kid named Carlos "its the main reason I'm still alive". Please click the Stand Up for Kids link--they save lives.
Click the pix. Hit BRO AM.
Surf action photos curtesy of Big G. at SessionClipsActionSports.com

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