Charity Season kicks off in Aspen

Aspen, a town of 5000 residents, is home to almost 300 non-profit organizations. There's a a lotta love in this valley. AspenSpin always tries to pitch-in and lend-a-hand to those causes that we truly believe in. Last night two of our favorite charities in Aspen held simultaneous kick-off events. Luckily its a small town so we were able to attend both kick-off parties. Two at once, that's how we roll.
See our pix: Click: Aspen Charity Kickoff.
The Chris Klug Foundation (CKF) held their 6th Annual Summit for Life Kick-Off event at 39 Degrees at The Sky Hotel. Aspen Local, Chris Klug is an Olympic medalist, a tremendous athlete and an all-around good guy. He is also the recipient of a liver transplant. Chris admits that the new liver saved his life and he has since dedicated his time, energy and fund-raising ability to raise awareness about organ donation. CKF is hosting the 6th Annual Summit for Life Weekend on Dec. 9 & 10, 2011. Summit for Life takes place on Aspen Mountain and the main event is the 3,267 vertical foot uphill climb. Over 300 hearty soles brave the Aspen, Colorado Winter to hike or ski or snowshoe UP Aspen Mountain.
Register to participate or to sponsor a racer. Click: SUMMIT 4 LIFE.
Movember is an international month-long moustache growing charity event to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Men from all over the world, known as Mo-Bro's grow their facial hair and solicit contributions to benefit The Prostate Cancer Foundation and The Lance Armstrong Foundation. All over the World, the month of November (a.k.a. Movember) is filled with parties, events and fund raisers. The Aspen Chapter of Movember kicked off their efforts last night at Jimmy's.
Click: MOVEMBER to learn more and donate.

Reader Comments (1)
Great causes. I wasn't aware of the Aspen Summit for Life. Can't wait to hike up next year as I'm out of town this year.
Dani @ ONNO Bamboo Clothing