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Entries in summit for life (5)


Summit 4 Life 2011

The 6th Annual Chris Klug Foundation Summit for Life Race sponsored by Novartis set new records in many ways. A 3,267 vertical foot hike up Aspen Mountain over 2 1/2 miles at night in December...you know the drill.  500 racers in 2 divisions was the absolute maximum capacity.  Two racers went to a photo finish in :47 minutes to decide the winner in what might be a new speed record. 

Learn more, Click:  CHRIS KLUG FOUNDATION.

Click 4 Pix:   PARTY 4 LIFE   and   SUMMIT 4 LIFE

The Full Moon was like God's flashlight providing a brite path up Ajax.  The crystal clear weather, cool tempratures and a hard-packed turf led many veterans to eclipse their personal best times. Fundraising numbers are still being tabulated but all signals point to a record take for The Chris Klug Foundation in their effort to raise money and awareness for organ and tissue donation.

Put yourself in the shoes of the 11 year old kid from Breckenridge who got a new liver 4 years ago and hiked Ajax last night.  Put yourself in the shoes of his Mom who also did the hike, but got smoked by her energetic young son.  Put yourself in the shoes of any transplant recipient who knows how great life can be.

"There's a lot of granola in this room" observed A. Party.  The Sundeck fed the hungry hikers and their famlies and friends with pasta and salad.  The soundtrack was provided by Cameron and Randolph from Jes Grew.  The good-times were flowing like The Mighty Colorado.

This event is about education.  That education about organ and tissue donation saves lives.  When you renew your drivers license make sure to check the box. 

Click Chris Klug Foundation to register as a donor.  


The Best Guys in Aspen

Two of AspenSpin's favorite guys in Aspen are getting busy. 

Raifie Bass and Chris Klug are both survivors and transplant recipients.  It wasn't long ago that both of these guys were laying on their death beds reflecting on their lives which appeared to be almost over.  Raifie and Chirs both faced down critical illnesses and came out on top.  Before they got sick, both Raife and Chris led incredibly active lives.  They are still doing that today, thank God.  Both overcame tremendous odds, so this is a a happy story....yeaaaaah. While, disease presented a huge obstacle to Raifie and CK, they both survived and now they are both prepping for the future. 

The Basses. Click to enlargeRaifie, is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He is a husband to Michelle and father of two super-active boys, Max and Andy plus 2 Pugs.  He works in Real Estate, he shreds, he bikes, he plays rec hockey, loves live music and he has an incredible hockey memorabilia collection. He is leading a normal life after a near death bout with Cancer. Raife is highly engaged with Aspen's Cancer Survivors Center and a big time hockey dad to the Aspen Squirt B's who are in the midst of a record setting season and on their way to the prestigious Silver Stick tournament finals in Canada.

The Klugs. Click to EnlargeChris is loved by everyone who meets him.  He is married to Missy and Daddy to 6 month old baby Bali.  He is a 3-Time Olympian, a Bronze Medal winner in 2002, and one of the best athletes in Aspen. He recently retired from the professional snowboard tour.  He too works in Real Estate... when he's not adventure racing, surfing, commentating, giving motivational speeches or tirelessly working for the Chris Klug Foundation (CKF).  Chris knows he's lucky to be alive.  Critical liver problems almost ended it all, but a different number came up and Chris received the gift of life in the form of a liver transplant.

Click to Pledge This Weekend, Dec 9-11, 2011, CKF is hosting their 6th Annual Summit for Life uphill climb on Aspen Mountain.  More than 500 hearty soles will hike, skin-ski or snowshoe up 3,267 vertical feet to the top of Ajax.  This event raises money and awareness for organ and tissue donation. Click SUMMIT 4 LIFE to get all the facts, to pledge,  to participate.

Raife's cause is a little less serious, but no less fun.  The Aspen Squirt B's went down to Denver and won the prestigious Silver Stick Tournament. They are only Aspen team in more than 30 years to win their region.  As Rocky Mountain Champions, they will travel to Canada to represent Aspen at the International Silver Stick Finals Tournament in January.  The Squirts (age 9-11) are trying to raise money to fund their trip.  You can help the kids out...click:  ASPEN SQUIRT B's. 

If you don't love Raifie Bass and Chris Klug...you don't like people.  They're both all-around great guys.  When I hear the phrase Joie de Vivre (joy of life) I think of my pals Raifie and CK. Please, if you can, dig deep and support the Chris Klug Foundation and Aspen Squirt B's.  Share the wealth and the Joie de vivre.

After hiking himself...Chris is the official greeter at The Summit for Life.

How can you say no? The Aspen Squirt B's. Rocky Mountain Champs. Photo: Raifie Bass click to donate.



Charity Season kicks off in Aspen

Aspen, a town of 5000 residents, is home to almost 300 non-profit organizations.   There's a a lotta love in this valley.  AspenSpin always tries to pitch-in and lend-a-hand to those causes that we truly believe in.  Last night two of our favorite charities in Aspen held simultaneous kick-off events.  Luckily its a small town so we were able to attend both kick-off parties.  Two at once, that's how we roll.

See our pix: Click:  Aspen Charity Kickoff.

The Chris Klug Foundation (CKF) held their 6th Annual Summit for Life Kick-Off event at 39 Degrees at The Sky Hotel.  Aspen Local, Chris Klug is an Olympic medalist, a tremendous athlete and an all-around good guy.  He is also the recipient of a liver transplant.  Chris admits that the new liver saved his life and he has since dedicated his time, energy and fund-raising ability to raise awareness  about organ donation.  CKF is hosting the 6th Annual Summit for Life Weekend on Dec. 9 & 10, 2011.  Summit for Life takes place on Aspen Mountain and the main event is the 3,267 vertical foot uphill climb.  Over 300 hearty soles brave the Aspen, Colorado Winter to hike or ski or snowshoe UP Aspen Mountain.

Register to participate or to sponsor a racer.   Click:  SUMMIT 4 LIFE.

Movember is an international month-long moustache growing charity event to raise awareness for prostate cancer.  Men from all over the world, known as Mo-Bro's grow their facial hair and solicit contributions to benefit The Prostate Cancer Foundation and The Lance Armstrong Foundation. All over the World, the month of November (a.k.a. Movember) is filled with parties, events and fund raisers.  The Aspen Chapter of Movember kicked off their efforts last night at Jimmy's. 

Click:  MOVEMBER to learn more and donate.


Community of Life.

Summit for Life 2010. Click 4 pixThe 5th Annual Summit for Life (S4L) operated like clock-work on Aspen Mountain Saturday Night.   Over 400 (new record) up-hillers  climbed Ajax in support of the Chris Klug Foundation (CKF). Freezing cold temps, zipping winds and POWDERY conditions could not stop the skinny skiers, hikers, snowshoe-ers, runners, skinners etc. etc. from climbing over 2.5 miles and 3,267 vertical feet.  AspenSpin took the 18 minute gondy ride up top to party with almost 600 people (new record) at the Sundeck. 

Education  about organ and tissue donation is the main focus of CKF and S4L.  Learn more..click CKF.  Over $100,000 was raised by S4L 2010.  Many organ recipients and their families travel to Aspen every December just to hike Ajax.  "It's a celebration of Life, it's a Community of Life" said a hyper-ventilating and icicle covered hiker at the finish as he was greeted by his wife and grand children.   Times ranged from "sub 50's"  (yeah, 50 minutes) to more than 3 hours.  Everyone finishes.

Hijinx at the Summit. Click 4 pix.Summit for Life is a well-oiled production now.  After 5 years, CKF 's S4L has grown to include a full weekend of activities including a posh dinner  and blow out party at Pacifica.  The Aspen community pitches in with both hands.  Its good people doing good stuff and having a good time doing it.  The volunteers are well trained and ready to help.  Check the huge list of Sponsors and Partners at the CKF website. 

Want to see photos?  


 3,267 vertical feet later. Click for pix

 Raifie Bass trekked to the Summit of Ajax. S4L 2010.


Summit 4 Life in Aspen

Aspen local Chris Klug is a great guy....everybody knows that. He's also a two-time Olympic Snow boarder and a world class athlete...everyone knows that too. Did you know that Chris is the only Olympic Medalist in history to be an organ transplant recipient?

The Chris Klug Foundation, Donor Dudes and Chris himself are all passionate about sharing the message of organ and tissue donation. There are more than 100,000 Americans currently on "the list" for organ transplants---awaiting a second chance.    Organ donation is the gift of life --learn more by clicking CKF.

Summit for Life is an athletic event and an educational event. Hundreds of people will hike up Aspen Mountain (3267 vertical feet) this Saturday night to raise money and awareness for organ and tissue donation.  The fifth annual Summit for Life is this coming weekend,  December 10 and 11 (this Friday and Saturday).   There are lots of parties, events and good times slated for the 5th Annual Summit 4 Life weekend---including the actual Summit 4 Life uphill climb.   Learn about all the festivities; Click  SUMMIT 4 LIFE.

There are many ways to participate  in this awesome, action packed  celebration of life with Chris Klug.  Its not to late; REGISTER NOW.  Join CKF, AspenSpin and a host of others. Summit 4 Life is an fantastic event in support of a great cause.  Meet you at the top of Ajax, Party at Sundeck.

Ready, Set, Hike. Summit 4 Life Dec. 10 & 11, 2010.